I was reminded yesterday that I hadn't posted anything in a few days and then the Lord woke me up early this morning with some thoughts.
Our Senior Pastor will be out of town this weekend preaching a revival in Texas so that gives me the opportunity to preach on Sunday. I had been mulling over some thoughts over the past several days and this morning God saw fit to have me get up early and start putting things together.
Isaiah chapter 6 is an account of Isaiah being presented with the holiness of God and the responses that encounter elicited. As I pondered this passage I was reminded of something I want to share with you.

Yesterday, I had the great privilege to stand in honor of a 90 year old man who had served his country from WWII to Vietnam. He was a retired Chief Master Sergeant in the Air Force and was a highly decorated soldier. His daughter and the rest of the family were very moved that our group would scramble and organize a mission to honor this soldier with so little notice.
But one particular moment in the day could only be described as a "holy moment". At the end of the service we were standing around the hearse waiting to render honors as the casket was being loaded. While we waited, an elderly gentlemen walked up to me and asked how to contact us, stating that he would like for us to attend his service.
My response was to give him my card and let him know that one phone call would set the wheels in motion. I told him that it would be an honor to attend that service but to not get in any hurry. He smiled but said that he didn't think that he had much time left. I assured him that when the time came we would be there. He thanked me and walked away.
That made an impression on me. How many of us truly comprehend how precious and delicate is each day of life? This man had faced his own mortality and had begun to make preparations for his departure.
In my nearly twenty years of ministry I have conducted and/or attended funerals for those over 100 years old to those only hours old and all points in between.
The Bible tells us that our life here is just a vapor, here and gone in just a moment of time. In the face of eternity even 100 years is just a drop in the bucket.
As I begin this day I thank God for the opportunity to begin another day and I am determined to look for the glimpses of holiness that I may be blessed with if I would only slow down and really live the day rather than just rush through another day of existence.
How long has it been since you felt the breath of God, sensed the rustle of His robes, or had the impression of His presence with you? I pray that you know the presence of God in your life, if you don't...well, you're just not living. Let's talk about it!
Until we meet again, live in search of "holy moments"