(This is part 2)National monuments give testimony of a Godly heritage
I think every American citizen should make the trip to our nation’s capitol. Washington D.C. is full of monuments, whose placement was no accident, to remind future generations of Americans of the high price paid for freedom.
Visit the nation's capitol and read the inscriptions on the memorials. Respect for and dependence upon the Word of God is evident in our past American leaders, those for whom we hold high in respect, those who laid the American foundation. Why does America now separate these words from the men who were driven by them? Tragically, it is evidence that our American leaders today do not share the same source of inspiration.
An inscription on a wall of the Jefferson Memorial states, "
God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of people that these liberties are a gift from God?” It’s as if he was looking down the tunnel of time.
The Washington Monument stands as a lofty and inspiring tribute to our first president, George Washington. It is the anchor on the west end of the National Mall. Few people know that engraved on the aluminum cap of the monument, towering 555 feet above the ground are the words,
"Laus Deo", which is translated "
Praise be to God." Stored within the cap is a Bible provided by the International Bible Society. Inside the monument itself several tributes line the staircase, most inscribed with Bible verses: "
Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not; for such is the Kingdom of God (Luke 18:16)," "
Search the Scriptures (John 5:39; Acts 17:11)," and "
Holiness unto the Lord (Exodus 28:36); 39:30; Zechariah 14:20)."
I could spend the rest of the day sharing examples of God’s word on our monuments and memorials.
Government buildings give testimony of a Godly heritage There is an inscription at The Daughters of the American Revolution building. It says, "
Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair the event. The event is in the hands of God." There is also Proverbs 22:28 quoted for everyone to see. Maybe it is a message for the ACLU: "
Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set."
In the U.S. Capitol Building when you walk into the Rotunda, four paintings hang on the wall. You have two prayer meetings, a Bible study and a baptism.
In the main reading room of the Library of Congress, there is a bronze statue of Moses holding The Ten Commandments. On the ceiling, a painting called "Judea" shows a young Israeli woman raising her hands in prayer to God. And there are also quotes on the wall like this: "
The heavens declare the glory of God." And down the hallway in the main lobby, two Bibles are on display.
In the National Archives there is a bronze medallion on the floor and right at the top the Ten Commandments,
At the U.S. Supreme Court, The Ten Commandments are located in several different places, including right above the judge's courtroom bench. Yet even with all these references to God in our federal buildings, there are some judges out there who say God and government just do not go together.
Our Founding Fathers wanted future generations to acknowledge the hand of God in the founding of our nation. The Capitol Building itself is proof of this. Again, in the Rotunda, the center of the Capitol, there is a dramatic oil painting that impresses upon visitors the direct intervention of God from the earliest days of our history. The painting portrays Columbus landing in the Western World in 1492. His eyes are set toward heaven in thanks and praise as others around him kneel in gratitude.This painting depicts the gratitude Columbus felt in the fulfillment of what he believed was his God-given calling. "It was the Lord who put into my mind (I could feel His hand upon me) the fact that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies."
Those who commissioned this painting knew what we have known all along, that God in His grace and wisdom guided those who first came to these shores.
When the Capitol Building was built, its designers were well aware of the dependence of the members of Congress upon God and prayer. The 83rd Congress designated a small room in the Capitol, near the rotunda, that is always open for the private prayer and meditation of members of Congress. This room is open whenever Congress is in session, and stands as a witness to the need for prayer by our nation's leaders.
The focal point of the room is an intricate stained glass window that depicts George Washington kneeling in prayer. Included are words from Psalm 16: "Preserve me, O God, for in Thee do I put my trust.

"Our currency gives testimony
Even the design of our currency acknowledges God's hand and providence in the founding of our nation. Toward that end, the Founding Fathers insisted that meaningful symbolism be incorporated into the design of the Great Seal of the United States that appears on the back of the one dollar bill. It features a great pyramid that symbolizes our republic and its qualities of strength and democracy. Across the top are the Latin words
Annuit Coeptis expressing our confidence in God and in His gracious leading in the founding of our nation. Literally translated it means: Providence [God] has favored our undertaking. The pyramid is unfinished to remind each of us that our country is a work in progress, and the contribution made by each one can be significant. Over all, is the prevailing eye of God Himself, watching over the development of our nation, from its earliest moments to even now. Some have misinterpreted the symbolism of this seal, the reality is that it was designed to honor God and show our nation's trust in Him.
Most notable perhaps are the words, "
In God We Trust” printed engraved into each piece of currency or coin. On an editorial note, may I express my discontent at this very important words now being moved onto the edge of the new dollar coin. I’m afraid it won’t be long before it is completely removed.Why can’t (or won’t) they see?
Ours is not a new struggle. As long as there have been men, there have been those who wanted to rule themselves. What they don’t understand that acknowledging God doesn’t bind a man but rather frees a man!
There are those who espouse separation of church and state. Brethren, our forefathers came to this country to escape the bonds of forced religion, not to have religion removed away from them. They simply wanted the freedom to choose to worship in the manner they considered most correct…voluntarily. The way God intended. The legislation regarding the separation of church and state is there to protect Americans from the formation of a national religion, not to remove religion from America!
Too many people say, “I think” or “I believe” or they begin to put words and intents into the Lord’s mouth. It’s not about what we think or feel, it’s about “
There is such thing as absolute truth. Jesus said, “
I am the way, the TRUTH, and the light…no man comes to the Father except through me”… John 8:32,
You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.
What must we do? Know truth, seek truth, study truth…don’t buy the lie!
II Timothy 3:1-5, BUT know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! We must love God, obey His commandments and turn away from the things of the world, especially those things which appear to have a form of godliness, yet are based on the ideas of man. We must remember the principles our nation was founded upon, the principles that so many gave their lives for, and we need to be ready to defend them at all costs!
Freedom isn’t free and it isn’t guaranteed!
Psalms 33:12a (NKJV)
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD,
May I admit to you dear friends, I am afraid. I am afraid because I have no confidence in those who are in control of our nation. Yes, I pray for them, but I see no godliness in them. Politics literally turns my stomach, but what we cannot and must not do is give up and let them have this country. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord ... what happens to the nation who turns her back on the Lord?