I’ve been pondering differences a lot here lately. Honestly mainly because of the difference in musical tastes and the possibility of misunderstanding within a church body. I don’t pretend to be wise enough to end the “what musical styles are acceptable for worship” debate that has loomed forever. But I do want to share a little personal perspective.
Would it be true to state that most of what happens on a Sunday morning is cultural? I believe that “Jesus loves the little children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight!” While it is true all these colors are represented in the cultural melting pot called America, there are also many different places in the world where the people look, act, speak and, yes, worship differently. Who pleases God more?
It is my contention that worship is more about the motivation and the content of the heart than the key, pitch, tone or rhythm of the musical vehicle that one employs to help take them to the throne of God.
While I believe it is absolutely true that Jesus is the only way to the Father. (John 14:6). I also claim the promise that if we knock, He will answer; if we seek, we will find. (Luke 11:9).
I’m afraid that too many times we let too much personal taste interfere with worship. It doesn’t matter what kind of vehicle you drive to church, it’s the attendance that matters. Likewise I believe that it doesn’t matter so much what type of music we sing, it’s that we are singing to our Lord with gratitude and praise. Praise the LORD! For [it is] good to sing praises to our God; for [it is] pleasant, [and] praise is beautiful. (Psalm 147:1)
…speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, (Ephesians 5:19).
And finally, consider Psalm 150 and then ask yourself which instruments cannot be used to praise God.
I will sing unto the Lord…