Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Selfishness and Entitlement

Maybe it's just that I'm getting older, but I am really beginning to believe more and more that this world is not my home.

I have always tried to live by the Golden Rule. To do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I don't believe I am any better than any one else and don't believe that I should be put to the front of any lines. I knew that this practice was correct and I knew that I was in a minority, but I have been shocked of late at just how serious a minority it is in which I find myself.

Before I begin providing examples, let me tell you that I have many friends and acquaintances that are wonderful, giving, selfless people that demonstrate the love of Christ far better than me, BUT...

Drivers...when the lane ahead is going to end or when construction is forewarned--that is not the time to get in front of everyone else or speed around in the lane that is closing to get as far up as possible, then expect some good soul to let you in. You are no more important, nor is your destination any more important than that of the people you are going around.

...those of you who haul goods in trucks, especially dump trucks full of gravel, I recognize that gravel must be hauled but please cover your loads. A sign on your truck that states you are not responsible for damage caused by anything falling out of your truck is not enough. Windshields, headlights, etc. can be cracked or broken, paint can be marred, and don't even get me started on those of us who ride motorcycles being hit by anything that might fly off or out of your truck. Please consider others.

Walmart is a wonderful store where lots of people go to purchase the things they need or desire. I realize back to school time is crazy for all of us. But there are plenty of school supplies to go around. All of us need them and for you to block the aisle, break in line, push your way through or around, or to generally to make a fool of yourself is inappropriate. Relax, wait your turn, I have.

Those of you waiting in line at Walmart, or the post office, or in any public place. Hang up the phone until you are in a position to better handle the conversation. First, I don't need to hear your conversation. Second, you are unable to concentrate on what you are doing which exasperates the clerk and slows down the line behind you.

There are many more examples I could list but I don't want to think about them any more.

It's ok to want to get done with your chores as quickly as possible. But it's not okay to impose yourself on anyone else. The Bible tells us not to think too highly of ourselves and to love one another as we love ourselves.

"But I deserve it", may none of us ever get what we deserve and may we begin to understand that selfish people are the most miserable people in the world. Reach out and love, do something nice, be a good person, live together in harmony. Let me know I'm not the Lone Ranger!

Have a good day! Heaven knows I'm trying!