"Into every life a little rain must fall"...no really? In the world in which we find ourselves, it is easy to think that we are "under the circumstances", after all we are in a recession, financial woes affect us all, the pressures of this old world are nipping at our heels, and none of us are getting any younger.
Depressed yet? That's not my intent. To elevate our attitude to one of gratitude one needs only spend a few moments reflecting on the counting of blessings received. That's not to say that will make the bad times disappear, but it does make the balance a little more truthful.
We are blessed beyond measure when we consider that "every good and perfect gift comes from above". Life, health, joy, happiness, everything we find enjoyable and precious is a gift from a loving Heavenly Father who wants to shower His children with joy. The trouble is we are living on a sin-infested world that filters the love and joy at times, and tries to distract us from the knowledge or the appreciation of the wonderful things we have been given.
This Thanksgiving, I hope you will take some time to stop and count your blessings. This year I am thankful I still have the opportunity to spend time with my parents, my brother and sister and their families, and have all my family alongside me.
I am thankful I have a wonderful group of friends that treat me better than I treat them so often. I am thankful that God has chosen me to be a minister of His precious Gospel, heaven only knows what He was thinking when He chose me, but I'm glad He did.
But most of all I am thankful that it's not all about the here and now. "I have a future in heaven for sure, there in those mansions sublime". I thank God for the glorious gift of His only begotten Son Jesus, who came to earth in the form of a baby, lived a sinless live, suffered a death He did not deserve, was laid in a borrowed tomb, then was resurrected three days later triumphant over death, hell and the grave, and who now sits at the right hand of the Father waiting the instructions to come gather to Himself all those who have trusted Him as Savior and Lord.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I love you!