Twelve Sermons: this morning I preached the 12th sermon in a series titled "Avoiding the Pitfalls of Life". The concept for this series was given to my dear friend and pastor Robert Francis just a few weeks before he died. He had given a copy of the topics and the book of I Samuel from which the sermons would be taken. When God called him away I thought it would be good to pick up this list of topics and the reference and see if I could build sermons for them. God had, after all, given this idea to the pastor of the church at that time, I think God would want someone to preach them.
It has been an interesting 12 Sundays or so, some subjects came together easier than others, but I'm glad we've made it through. I finished with "addictions" today. There are so many things that we can be addicted to out there; we only think about drugs and alcohol too many times, but worry, fear, negativity, self-serving, etc are all addictions. Jesus is the only way to truly be free but most of us don't really want Him to intervene.
Jesus just wants us to be free, to be able to live the life He gave us. Trusting Him and obeying Him so that our joy can be full and so we can live the abundant life He's promised us! So break free, break that habit, experience the freedom we can have in Christ!.