22 years ago last Sunday (March 4), I entered full time ministry with the Landmark Baptist Church of Jacksonville. Jessica was just about to turn 2 years old. We ministered there just over ten years and we've been with Faith Baptist Church in North Little Rock for just over 11 years.
There are days when I feel like I've been doing this all my life, while there are other days I feel like I'm still just a greenhorn. I've served as a Youth Pastor, a Minister of Music, an Associate Pastor, a Pastor of Administration, and an Interim Pastor. What happens next? Who knows? The answer is "God knows and I trust Him!"
I have been so blessed in both part-time and full-time ministry to work with and befriend some awesome pastors and staff members, congregations, youth groups, and choirs, and have made some truly lasting friendships. There is also the tremendous blessing of associated work and the friends and colleagues whose lives have intersected my own.
But the true blessing is that God has taken very good care of me; far better care than I deserve. He's seen me through ignorance, frustration, apathy, stupidity, anger, pain -- as well as joy, peace, safety and success (when I let Him lead!).
While it hasn't always been an easy journey, especially for my wife and daughters; it has been a good journey. I have learned much (usually from trial and error). This year, especially, has been a struggle, but the pendulum has already begun to swing back toward the positive.
I hope, over the next 22 years, if God wills it; that I can remember what I've learned and how good He's been to me and be more successful in leading his people, serving His church, but mostly following Him!
To my family I say, thanks for sticking with me. To the churches who have had to put up with me, thanks for playing along; as the old staying goes: Be patient, God isn't finished with me yet!
"Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus. But if Your return must wait; here's to another 22 years (and beyond!)...
(Photos from top: First trip to camp-1990; Graduation banquet at Landmark-1999; 10 year anniversary at Faith; my sweetheart and I as we are today. )