I was relating the following story to a buddy and he (through his laughter-induced tears) said I had to post it on my blog. So here goes...
For reference sake, I have an old 1990 Chevrolet pickup that I love. It has 204,000 miles on it, the air seldom works, the driver's window hangs, the paint is flaking off, and it uses nearly as much oil as it does gas. But I love it. It is special to me. It was built the same year I entered the full-time ministry. I keep thinking Chuck Foose or X-ibit will show up and give it a starring role in "Overhaulin'" or "Pimp My Ride" but nothing yet...
Anyway, did I mention I use a lot of oil? I don't change the oil regularly as I add a fresh quart to the top every few days, but I thought it might be prudent to change the filter as it had been awhile.
I went to a local auto parts store and bought the oil and filter and planned to do the deed before it got too dark. Something happened to change my schedule (I have a wife and two daughters you see), well it got dark. No problem, I have a trouble light. I located it and pulled it out to the street where I parked, the bulb even worked! I got my drain pan, my crescent wrench and went looking for my filter wrench... 30 minutes later...sweating and exasperated...I find it. Now to begin.
I crawl under the truck from the front, locate the drain plug and remove it, so far so good. All I found was the strap-type filter wrench I use on my bike (a two-handed job) so I crawl out and enter from behind the front wheel for better access. That wasn't even too bad (righty tighty--lefty loosy). However, in shuffling around I hit my trouble light which either shorted out the switch or the bulb..whatever, all I know is instant darkness.
I crawl out and go find a flashlight to finish the job. I get everything reinstalled and push everything (including the drain pan) out from under the truck to the curb where I can pick it up and put it away neatly.
Crawling back out (armed only with a flashlight) I go around to the front of the truck to begin pouring in the new oil. Concentrating on what's under the hood, not whats on, or at, the curb (and did I mention that it's beginning to sprinkle?).
At any rate, I stepped on the rim of the drain pan and managed to send warm, nasty oil all up onto the right leg of my jeans (the ones with the large rip in that very knee). So now I have this oil running down the outside of my pants leg, inside my pants leg, and into my right shoe and, in addition, all over the street in front of the truck. Now I have a mess. I sloshed around, probably killing my grass, and finished adding the oil to my truck.
Remember how long it took to find the filter wrench, well at least in the search I did find that I had half a bag a kitty litter left over from a previous spill, so I found that and distributed it onto the street portion of the spill. I put away all my tools, wiped down the side of the truck, wiped off the bottom of my shoe and shut the garage door. I took off the shoes and pants I was wearing and put them in a trash bag with the empty oil cans, wiped down my leg and headed to the shower. Imagine my wife's expression as I come walking into the house from outside wearing only my bvds!
Why did this happen? Was God spanking me for being a bad boy? Was the devil trying to steal my joy? I contend that when God chastens His children, they know why. As for the other explanation, I don't know ... its possible, but I also know that bad things just happen on this sin-cursed earth on which we live. Why else would babies get sick, would good people have traffic accidents, and why else would good young men be killed in war.
I don't know about you, but I'm about ready for the Lord to come back and take us away from all this...plus, I'll bet we won't have to change the oil in anything in heaven!
Have a great day!!!
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