At 8:30 on Christmas morning, my phone began to ring. On the other end was 81 year old WWII Naval Veteran Herman "Shorty" Hagerman, a friend from the Patriot Guard. He was calling to wish me a Merry Christmas. We had a nice short conversation, he sounded great and seemed to be in a great mood, we exchanged our good wishes and told each other "love ya' brother" and that was it. I remember my wife commenting that was a sweet thing to do and I smiled to myself, "Yeah, Shorty is like that".
The next morning I got another call from a PGR friend, Big Ack this time, he was calling to tell me that Shorty had passed away earlier that morning. Imagine my surprise, initially my denial, as I had just talked to him! But it was confirmed that Shorty's big heart had played it's last beat just before 5:00 that morning. Then the whirlwind began. Funeral planning, notification of the rest of the Patriot Guard, mission planning, processing of the finality of it all, and honestly more than a few tears.
It was decided that the Patriot Guard would provide a flag line for Shorty's visitation on Monday night and that Big Ack and I would officiate the funeral services. The visitation was awesome, there were bikes and bikers and friends and loved ones all in and around the funeral home. We remembered and celebrated the life of this big,little man and we tried to show him the honor and respect he was due.
Tuesday morning was the time set aside for his service. Even more bikes it seemed had gathered and there was standing room only in the chapel and more standing outside as silent sentinels for this hero. As the friends and family came by Shorty's casket to pay their final respects I learned even more amazing things about my friend. I did pretty well until Shorty's brother came by and cried on my shoulder and gave me a hug that felt a lot like Shorty.
We proceeded to the gravesite where we laid Shorty beside the wife he had lost on Christmas day 1997, coincidence? Flagbearers surrounded the tent as taps was played, scripture was read, a prayer was said and a flag was folded in honor of a great man.
Smooth seas Shorty, you may stand down now. Take your rest and enjoy your eternity. We'll be together again soon. Until then, we will do our best to continue the work you took so seriously and we'll try to do you proud.
"Thank you Father for the promise of eternal life in Christ and the comfort we have in knowing that because of his faith in Jesus that Shorty is there in heaven with you even now. Keep an eye on him Lord, he's little but he's quick!"
I can almost see him now, smiling profusely while dancing with the angels. Bon Voyage dear friend, until we meet again.