Yes, my apologies. No posts for some time. Please find the our Christmas letter a reasonable facsimile for a Christmas post...
It’s hard to believe it has already been a year since we had such an awesome Christmas vacation to Pagosa Springs, Colorado where we skied, snowmobiled, rode a 2-horse open sleigh and just romped in the snow for a week. But calendars never lie.
It has been an active year in the Hulsizer abode (so what else is new?).
Jennifer is 16 now (scary) and she and dad are sharing driving lessons. She is actually doing quite well, it’s just hard to let go. She is a junior in high school and doing well in her classes in spite of lots of extra-curricular activities. She finished a run as Marty Maraschino in the Jacksonville High School rendition of Grease (and was the best actress on stage...of course), and just finished singing in the Jacksonville Choir’s Madrigal Dinner. She is still active with the Devilettes (the High School Dance Team). All this while juggling Youth Group at church and some boy that has started coming by the house. But we stay on her about Pre-Cal, French & Chemistry just because we’re parents and that’s what parents do..
Jessica (three months from 21—scarier!) is well into her first year of Nursing School as a junior at the University of Arkansas at Conway. Clinicals for the first semester were at a nursing home there in Conway where she surprised herself being able to handle some of the more earthy requirements of being a health care professional. Next semester she has been assigned to the Veteran’s Hospital in North Little Rock. I hope they’re ready! Jessica has done an awesome job keeping her grades up and keeping up with all the papers and assignments required. Her young man, Matty, is almost a permanent fixture around the house but Dad actually doesn’t mind, it gives him a good excuse to watch Monday night football and play in the garage. The last day of finals this month Jessica was hit from behind while sitting stopped at a red light by a big rental truck, there are no broken bones but we fear whiplash will be an issue. We covet your prayers for as few problems as possible.
Shelia has a new job now and we are very excited. She is the registrar for Sylvan Hills High School in Sherwood. She had been filling for the previous registrar who had been waiting to retire while out on medical leave. She misses being at the same high school as Jennifer but a guaranteed salary was just too good to pass up after several years of substitute teaching. Shelia’s other big news this year is that she has taken up running again. She has already run several 5Ks and even one 20K. She is currently training for a half-marathon. We couldn’t be more proud. Shelia and her running buddy Sara run faithfully 3 times a week (weather permitting) and really have been good for each other.
Jeff would have started at least walking with Shelia but he forgot that gravity and mass are not friends of people his age. A jump that wouldn’t have been a problem a few years and few pounds ago ended up fracturing his left ankle and being in a cast and walking boot for 3 months. Right after he was released from the boot he led a trip of 11 church members on a mission trip to St. Petersburg, Russia to assist a mission couple there with work on their facilities and their ministry. Jeff continues to enjoy his work as Chaplain for the Patriot Guard Riders of Arkansas. This October we completed our 8th year at Faith Baptist Church where Jeff is the Pastor of Administration, teaches the Faith Bible Class and plays drums in the orchestra, Shelia sings in the choir, Jennifer plays trumpet in the orchestra and Jessica substitutes in the girls Sunday School department. We love our church home and feel blessed to be able to work and worship with such wonderful people.
We hope this finds you and yours happy, healthy and whole and enjoying this blessed Christmas season.
Our love to you all,
Jeff, Shelia, Jessica & Jennifer Hulsizer
Jacksonville, Arkansas
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