Amidst the crazy busy-ness of the day yesterday a sense of wonder and blessing washed over me. Today (Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014) our youngest daughter graduates from college; the culmination of lots of work, lots of money, lots of new friends, many tears and lots of laughter. I couldn’t be more proud of her and I wait with wonder and anticipation at what God has in store for her as she begins the next step of her journey.
In addition, I get the great honor of conducting my best friend’s wedding this afternoon. This has been a long time coming and a beautiful story of love. It’s going to be a great time of friends and family up on the Little Red River, celebrating love and God’s perfect provision.
But in the midst of all these blessings, to realize that the King of the Universe, the Creator of all that is, the author of life, love and all that is good, loved me so much that He came to earth as a baby, the Creator lowering Himself to become one of His creations, yet still remaining in every way God the Creator, lived a perfect life and died the humiliating death of a criminal on a cruel cross, abandoned by those He came to save, bearing the sins of them and us. Yet suffering the shame, He died and was laid in a borrowed tomb. Yet after three days He rose victorious over sin, death, hell and the grave and awaits that glorious day when He will gather His children up and bring us into the heaven that awaits those who love Him. What a glorious day! Oh what a Savior, O hallelujah.
Merry Christmas to you all! We are so blessed.
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