March is truly a time of madness. I have rooted for basketball teams that I don't even like, but since they are playing a team I need them to beat, they become elevated in my estimations.
We are, by nature, a pretty fickle bunch, especially in regards to God. When things are good we either think we got a lucky break, or did something good, when in fact God has "graced" us. His word says in James 1:17, "Every good and perfect gift comes from above" which basically means to me, that everything good in this life is something God chose to give us.
Now on the other hand when things go bad, we are quick to accuse God of forgetting us, or worse, to accuse Him of condemning us or sending bad things our way. One simply need walk through the cancer ward at Children's hospital or walk through the halls of our local Veterans Hospital to see evidence that things don't appear to be fair and we seek to understand how a loving God could let bad things happen to good people.
There are lots of answers to this question but none that really satisfy our human understanding. The best I could hope to do is to remind us that God is in control and only He sees the big picture, the world that awaits us with Him in heaven is incomparable to the very best days we see here. So suffice it to say, God has a plan.
But remember this my dear friends, God loves you. If He carried a wallet, your picture would be in it. He thinks of you every moment of every day and He wants only for you to be happy. He longs for the day you can be together so that He can bless you like you've never been blessed before. You are God's favorite! But you know what? So am I. God is vast enough to root for everybody and never have a fickle moment!
Ain't God good? How long has it been since you talked to Him?
See ya'll
This is my personal blog and does not necessarily represent the views of Springhill Baptist Church, Smith Family Funeral Homes, or any groups mentioned here...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008 from Momma's house
...coming to you recorded live from beautiful downtown St. Florian, Alabama.
Sorry yesterday’s post was so long, but just had to share the greatest story ever told with the greatest friends a man ever had.
Today let me just ask you the question that I am personally pondering...
"Did Jesus do all He did on the cross, in the tomb, and on resurrection day so I could be living like I’m living right now?"
I’m thinking my life could use a few adjustments!
Looking forward to seeing you all Saturday!
God bless and have a great day!
Sorry yesterday’s post was so long, but just had to share the greatest story ever told with the greatest friends a man ever had.
Today let me just ask you the question that I am personally pondering...
"Did Jesus do all He did on the cross, in the tomb, and on resurrection day so I could be living like I’m living right now?"
I’m thinking my life could use a few adjustments!
Looking forward to seeing you all Saturday!
God bless and have a great day!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Gospel of Easter

God created everything, including man.
God created woman from man.
God, man and woman have a wonderful relationship and proximity.
Satan deceives, Eve eats, gives to Adam...Adam eats.
The problem was that to eat from that tree was forbidden.
Man disobeyed, sin arrived, fellowship was broken.
Because of sin, man is separated from God and begins the process of dying.
Earth is cursed by sin. Things are bad.
God still loves mankind and desires a relationship with same,
yet sin prohibits proximity.
God provides a solution by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus, to earth.
He has a miraculous, biologically impossible birth, so as not to carry the sin nature of mankind, He lived as a man, tempted in all things, subject to all things, yet without sin.
He tries to show people God's desire for them, but organized religion wanted no part of Him.
He was tried in by a court full of liars and cowards.
Pilate could have released Him but he was swayed by public opinion.
Jesus was beaten and scourged to the point He was unrecognizable as a man.
He was beaten with reeds, wore a crown of thorns, was spat upon, had a royal robe put on his badly beaten back then ripped off after it had begun to adhere to his torn flesh.
He was forced to carry his own cross up Calvary's mountain until His physical strength failed.
He was nailed to the cross and had it dropped into a hole, displaying Him between earth and sky as a mockery.
In the position of cricifixion the only way He could breathe was to raise Himself upon the nail through His feet.
Even while dying on the cross, He arranged care for His mother, asked forgiveness for His murderers, showed mercy to one dying beside Him and prayed to His Father.
After He stated "it is finished" He died and was laid in a borrowed tomb.
The governor sealed the door and posted guards to the tomb.
While Jesus body laid there, His spirit went to Hades to free the captives (those who had been looking to and anticipating His coming).
Three days after His death HE AROSE. The stone was rolled away, the soldiers freaked and left.
The ladies who came to leave spices and flowers saw the linen strips He had been wrapped in lying as if He had just passed through them, and face cloth was lying there, neatly folded.
Jesus appeared to his disciples, to strangers, and to an entire congration of thousands after His resurrection.
He ascended into heaven to make preparations for His return to retrieve those who belong to Him. But He left his spiritual presence (the Holy Spirit) as our comforter and our moral compass.
Those who believe this story and place their faith in Him belong to Him.
Those who believe this story but do not place their faith in Him do not belong to Him.
When we die, if we belong to Him, we go to Him in heaven. If we don't we descend to Hell.
If we are alive when He returns, those that belong to Him will meet Him in the air and go to an eternal paradise called heaven.
Those that don't will eventually suffer the same fate as the deceiver Satan, an eternity in the bottomless pit of hell, suffering hopelessly for all eternity.
Jesus died so we wouldn't have to, He wants everyone to join Him in heaven, to refuse His offer, His gift, His sacrifice is to spit in the face of Jesus and pour His blood upon the ground. He loves you too much for that. Let this Easter be the beginning of your secure eternity.
You know, this wasn't that short at all. But I assure you. This was the most important story you will ever hear. Wanna hear more, I'd love to tell you more!
I love you...but He really loves you!!!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Day before Easter
Sorry it’s been a few days. We’ve just finished a two week missions seminar. We’ve had folks in from Scotland, Africa, Indonesia, Australia, Romania amd pastors from many states here in North Little Rock and I’ve been busier than Grumpy’s barber, but it was a good seminar.
Sunday is Easter, in my mind the most important day in the history of the world. Why you ask? (and even if you didn’t) ...
Let me put it this way. You can go to Egypt and see where the Pharoahs were laid. You can go to the tomb of Confusious, to Muhammeds, and everyone else in whose name a religion was formed...with one exception.
There is a hill in Jerusalem, called Golgotha, the place of the skull, where my Jesus and two criminals were crucified, just down the way there is a tomb owned by one Joseph of Arimathea where Jesus was buried, BUT Jesus only used that tomb for three days and then AROSE! victorious over sin, death, hell and the grave.
Those of us who dwell in Jesus need not fear any of the things He has defeated. What a hero, what a savior!
If you don’t dwell in Christ, or if your don’t know if you do or not, why not make this Easter even more personally to me, or Orval, or Big Ack, or Lynn, or Jack. We’ll be happy to share!!!
Happy Easter everybody and hey, after you’ve bitten the ears off your chocolate bunny...why not go to church to celebrate! I know where there’s a good one and we’re open on Sunday!
Sunday is Easter, in my mind the most important day in the history of the world. Why you ask? (and even if you didn’t) ...
Let me put it this way. You can go to Egypt and see where the Pharoahs were laid. You can go to the tomb of Confusious, to Muhammeds, and everyone else in whose name a religion was formed...with one exception.
There is a hill in Jerusalem, called Golgotha, the place of the skull, where my Jesus and two criminals were crucified, just down the way there is a tomb owned by one Joseph of Arimathea where Jesus was buried, BUT Jesus only used that tomb for three days and then AROSE! victorious over sin, death, hell and the grave.
Those of us who dwell in Jesus need not fear any of the things He has defeated. What a hero, what a savior!
If you don’t dwell in Christ, or if your don’t know if you do or not, why not make this Easter even more personally to me, or Orval, or Big Ack, or Lynn, or Jack. We’ll be happy to share!!!
Happy Easter everybody and hey, after you’ve bitten the ears off your chocolate bunny...why not go to church to celebrate! I know where there’s a good one and we’re open on Sunday!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I realize that yesterday’s post aluded to the fact that I would talk about Easter this week. My mind has been changed at least for today. Our dear sister Catluv has endured a great deal of pain and loss in her life. Currently her brother Charlie is clinging to life at UAMS, on a ventilator with a vein disease that won’t let him process oxygen to his body. On the surface things may look terribly grave, but there is story after story in the Bible that reminds us, "It ain’t over ’til it’s over".
The boys that carried their friend on a mat to the house in which Jesus was preaching were rewarded for the faith that told them to get their friend to Jesus. They literally tore the roof of that house to lower their friend down to the healing hands of Jesus.
The Roman centurion had enough faith to just ask Jesus to heal his servant, he knew that Jesus could do it "long-distance". His faith was rewarded.
The woman who followed the multitude hoping only to touch the hem of his garment finally got that chance and her desire was fulfilled.
Even Mary and Martha, they had buried their brother Lazarus and he had lain in the grave for 3 days (and behold he stinketh--[I love that verse]) but Jesus went to the door of the crypt and called him back to life.
Long story short. The opera ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings. And things within the kingdom of God ain’t over ’til the king says so.
My prayer for Charlie is a prayer for deliverance. If God chooses to deliver him by healing his body, I know that He can certainly do it. There is NOTHING greater than the power of my God. If God chooses to deliver Charlie by taking him home, as much as the separation from his loved ones would hurt...there is no doubt he will have been delivered and will be in a far better place.
I know what I wish, and I’m sure I know what Janie and her family would wish and that’s ok. But I also know where our faith the hands of the Great Physician and whatever He decides is the right decision...every time. It may not be comfortable or convenient, but only He sees the BIG PICTURE.
God bless you Catluv...and God bless Charlie.
The boys that carried their friend on a mat to the house in which Jesus was preaching were rewarded for the faith that told them to get their friend to Jesus. They literally tore the roof of that house to lower their friend down to the healing hands of Jesus.
The Roman centurion had enough faith to just ask Jesus to heal his servant, he knew that Jesus could do it "long-distance". His faith was rewarded.
The woman who followed the multitude hoping only to touch the hem of his garment finally got that chance and her desire was fulfilled.
Even Mary and Martha, they had buried their brother Lazarus and he had lain in the grave for 3 days (and behold he stinketh--[I love that verse]) but Jesus went to the door of the crypt and called him back to life.
Long story short. The opera ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings. And things within the kingdom of God ain’t over ’til the king says so.
My prayer for Charlie is a prayer for deliverance. If God chooses to deliver him by healing his body, I know that He can certainly do it. There is NOTHING greater than the power of my God. If God chooses to deliver Charlie by taking him home, as much as the separation from his loved ones would hurt...there is no doubt he will have been delivered and will be in a far better place.
I know what I wish, and I’m sure I know what Janie and her family would wish and that’s ok. But I also know where our faith the hands of the Great Physician and whatever He decides is the right decision...every time. It may not be comfortable or convenient, but only He sees the BIG PICTURE.
God bless you Catluv...and God bless Charlie.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Thoughts toward Easter
Is it time for another week already? I’ll tell you, last week was a blur of activity. We had over 70 missionaries and pastors from literally all over the world at a missions training seminar led by our own Lynn "Missionary Rider" Raburn. Seminars during the day, worship services each night, plus I took Tuesday night off to celebrate our oldest daughter’s 20th birthday. This week will still be busy as the seminar continues, but this week we only have the day sessions.
Here is my goal for the week. I want to do my best to make sure all the t’s are crossed and the I’s are dotted for the seminar, that’s what I do. But in the face of this week, I don’t want to get too busy to notice.
You see, this coming Sunday marks the very most important event in the history of mankind. Jesus, the Messiah, who had been humiliated in a kangaroo court, tortured at the hands of ruthless Roman soldiers, crucified at the insistence of the very people He had come to serve, and who had died and been laid in a borrowed tomb…ROSE AGAIN!
You see, throughout history men have died for others. As the PGR we honor those who have laid their lives down for their country and their fellow citizens. But none of these heroes had the power that Jesus did, to take back up His own life. You see, he was no ordinary hero, He has power over death and hell, heaven and earth and on the third day He rose again victorious.
I’ve always wondered why the symbol for Christianity was the cross. Yes, a truly important part of the story, but there were two others that died on crosses in Jerusalem that day. There has only been one who came out of a tomb, once dead, but alive again by His own power. I think a more fitting symbol would be the stone that was rolled away, not so He could get out, but so we could see in!
I’ll have much more to say about Easter and its celebration in the coming days. But remember this, it’s perfectly fine to go buy the Easter baskets and chocolate bunnies, and dye eggs with the kids. That’s part of the tradition of Easter, but don’t let it overshadow the true reason for Easter. Have a great week, maybe this rain will stop someday and we can all ride again!!!
Your Chaplain,
Here is my goal for the week. I want to do my best to make sure all the t’s are crossed and the I’s are dotted for the seminar, that’s what I do. But in the face of this week, I don’t want to get too busy to notice.
You see, this coming Sunday marks the very most important event in the history of mankind. Jesus, the Messiah, who had been humiliated in a kangaroo court, tortured at the hands of ruthless Roman soldiers, crucified at the insistence of the very people He had come to serve, and who had died and been laid in a borrowed tomb…ROSE AGAIN!
You see, throughout history men have died for others. As the PGR we honor those who have laid their lives down for their country and their fellow citizens. But none of these heroes had the power that Jesus did, to take back up His own life. You see, he was no ordinary hero, He has power over death and hell, heaven and earth and on the third day He rose again victorious.
I’ve always wondered why the symbol for Christianity was the cross. Yes, a truly important part of the story, but there were two others that died on crosses in Jerusalem that day. There has only been one who came out of a tomb, once dead, but alive again by His own power. I think a more fitting symbol would be the stone that was rolled away, not so He could get out, but so we could see in!
I’ll have much more to say about Easter and its celebration in the coming days. But remember this, it’s perfectly fine to go buy the Easter baskets and chocolate bunnies, and dye eggs with the kids. That’s part of the tradition of Easter, but don’t let it overshadow the true reason for Easter. Have a great week, maybe this rain will stop someday and we can all ride again!!!
Your Chaplain,
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Thank God for kids!
I read with delight Tina Weaver's recent post (on the PGR forum) on how technology has comforted her and her family. Being able to see and talk to her son while he is half a world away makes a tremendous difference. I suppose there is nothing more precious to any of us than our children.
I am blessed to have two beautiful daughters. Thank goodness they got their looks from their mother! Anyway, our oldest turned 20 yesterday (March 11) and I had the blessing of being able to go take her to dinner and spend a little time with her. The Psalmist David knew of the pleasure that children bring. In Psalm 127:3-5 he said, "Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward. As arrows [are] in the hand of a mighty man; so [are] children of the youth. Happy [is] the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate."
As we do the good work of honoring our soldiers, let us not forget to honor those in our own homes with whom God has blessed us.
Please humor me while I try to pull all this together. My wife's brother was in the Navy. In the summer of 1983 they had a "family day" in which the families of the sailors where allow on board and even took a short cruise around the bay there at Virginia Beach.
Work prohibited my going along on this trip, but my wife took her parents out to see her brother. While enjoying the ride on the USS Yorktown, she became what she thought was "sea-sick", upon her return to Arkansas she found that she wasn't sea-sick, rather she was "morning sick". The Hulk's firstborn made her presence known while riding on a Naval destroyer! How about that! Just a cool little tidbit I had lodged down deep.
I am so glad my wife is planning to attend our meet, greet and eat. This will give her an opportunity to meet many of you and hopefully understand a little bit about why our association and each one of you is so important to me. There is nothing more important to me on this earth than my wife and those two "little" girls. I think I'm gonna get up from this 'puter and go pass out some hugs! How 'bout you go do the same with those you can still get "a hold" of!
"Thank you Lord for my family. Each of the three of them. My physical family, my church family, and my PGR family. Give each of them a special blessing today and give them a fresh sense of Your presence and interest in their lives. Protect us as we seek to serve You. And protect those that You are using to protect us!
In Jesus name… Amen."

As we do the good work of honoring our soldiers, let us not forget to honor those in our own homes with whom God has blessed us.
Please humor me while I try to pull all this together. My wife's brother was in the Navy. In the summer of 1983 they had a "family day" in which the families of the sailors where allow on board and even took a short cruise around the bay there at Virginia Beach.
Work prohibited my going along on this trip, but my wife took her parents out to see her brother. While enjoying the ride on the USS Yorktown, she became what she thought was "sea-sick", upon her return to Arkansas she found that she wasn't sea-sick, rather she was "morning sick". The Hulk's firstborn made her presence known while riding on a Naval destroyer! How about that! Just a cool little tidbit I had lodged down deep.
I am so glad my wife is planning to attend our meet, greet and eat. This will give her an opportunity to meet many of you and hopefully understand a little bit about why our association and each one of you is so important to me. There is nothing more important to me on this earth than my wife and those two "little" girls. I think I'm gonna get up from this 'puter and go pass out some hugs! How 'bout you go do the same with those you can still get "a hold" of!
"Thank you Lord for my family. Each of the three of them. My physical family, my church family, and my PGR family. Give each of them a special blessing today and give them a fresh sense of Your presence and interest in their lives. Protect us as we seek to serve You. And protect those that You are using to protect us!
In Jesus name… Amen."
Monday, March 10, 2008
What does God want from me?
For this morning's musing let me contrast a couple of scriptures.
Both Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25 say that, "There is a way that seems right to a man,but its end is the way of death." which tells us that for us to try to figure out things would be a big mistake. We don't have to reinvent the wheel, we don't have to wonder about what God wants.
I heard an awesome message this weekend from Micah 6:8, which tells us exactly what God wants from His people.
He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justly, To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
There it is.
1. Do what is right and honest.
2. Love mercy so much that you are merciful.
3. Walk in humility as you walk with God.
There it is...a prescription for a happy, fulfilled, God-pleasing life.
Reminder..if you don't know God you can't walk with Him..see previous post.
Both Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25 say that, "There is a way that seems right to a man,but its end is the way of death." which tells us that for us to try to figure out things would be a big mistake. We don't have to reinvent the wheel, we don't have to wonder about what God wants.
I heard an awesome message this weekend from Micah 6:8, which tells us exactly what God wants from His people.
He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justly, To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
There it is.
1. Do what is right and honest.
2. Love mercy so much that you are merciful.
3. Walk in humility as you walk with God.
There it is...a prescription for a happy, fulfilled, God-pleasing life.
Reminder..if you don't know God you can't walk with Him..see previous post.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Blank Screen
As I sit here this morning, looking out at a blanket of snow (in March!). I wanted to write something, but my mind is like that blanket of snow. "Go with it" I thought. So I just let my mind go and let the Lord direct my thoughts...hopefully.
The first 2 things that came to my mind are the cross and the Shellhammer house. Strange combination at first, but then it came to me. The Shellhammer project, amidst its complications, is an honorable thing. Those who can, doing something for those who can't. This soldier needed his home fixed up for he and his wife to have a place to live. His situation prohibited that, so others have stepped in.
What does that have to do with the cross? Lots. You see, thanks to great-grandpappy Adam, we all (and yes I mean all) carry a sin nature. Romans 3:23 tells us that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.". If we are all in the same boat then why is that a problem? Well, because Romans 6:23 says, "...the wages of sin is death". The definition of death in that verse is eternal separation from God for all eternity, or to break it down...hell. However, the rest of that verse says, "BUT, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
That's the good news. We are doomed because of sin, but God made a way to fix it. His only son Jesus, came to earth as a baby, born of a virgin, in a miraculous way so as not to carry the sin nature, and lived on earth as a man for 33 years, yet without sin.
On a fateful day, over 2000 years ago. Jesus was tried in a kangaroo court and executed for stirring up organized religion. But He did far more than that, my friends. When Jesus died on the cross, He carried all the sins of mankind with Him. All of our sin was placed upon His back and He paid the sin debt for all of us.
You see, we couldn't do if for ourselves, but He could...and He did.
Now, how much sense would it make for Chris Shellmaker not to move into his house when it is finally completed? Well, none at all! Look at all the work, the man hours, the expense. And why wouldn't he move in, it's perfect for him! All true, and how bad would it upset those who have given so much of their time, money and sweat to make this house so nice?
Now you know a little bit about how God must feel. The work was all done at the cross. The sin debt for all humanity was paid. All we have to do is receive this free gift. In the same way Chris just needs to reach out at take the keys, all we must do is realize we are lost and only Christ can save us. Repent of your sins, ask Him to forgive you, then ask Him to save you and move into your heart. If you place all your trust into Him, He will never let you down and your eternity will be secured forever. Don't let the price paid for your soul be paid in vain.
Yes, I know I may be crossing the line to be preachy, but I love you all and simply want to share eternity with you. I know where I'm going and why. How about you? Questions? call or email. I'd love to visit with you about this.
The first 2 things that came to my mind are the cross and the Shellhammer house. Strange combination at first, but then it came to me. The Shellhammer project, amidst its complications, is an honorable thing. Those who can, doing something for those who can't. This soldier needed his home fixed up for he and his wife to have a place to live. His situation prohibited that, so others have stepped in.
What does that have to do with the cross? Lots. You see, thanks to great-grandpappy Adam, we all (and yes I mean all) carry a sin nature. Romans 3:23 tells us that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.". If we are all in the same boat then why is that a problem? Well, because Romans 6:23 says, "...the wages of sin is death". The definition of death in that verse is eternal separation from God for all eternity, or to break it down...hell. However, the rest of that verse says, "BUT, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
That's the good news. We are doomed because of sin, but God made a way to fix it. His only son Jesus, came to earth as a baby, born of a virgin, in a miraculous way so as not to carry the sin nature, and lived on earth as a man for 33 years, yet without sin.
On a fateful day, over 2000 years ago. Jesus was tried in a kangaroo court and executed for stirring up organized religion. But He did far more than that, my friends. When Jesus died on the cross, He carried all the sins of mankind with Him. All of our sin was placed upon His back and He paid the sin debt for all of us.
You see, we couldn't do if for ourselves, but He could...and He did.
Now, how much sense would it make for Chris Shellmaker not to move into his house when it is finally completed? Well, none at all! Look at all the work, the man hours, the expense. And why wouldn't he move in, it's perfect for him! All true, and how bad would it upset those who have given so much of their time, money and sweat to make this house so nice?
Now you know a little bit about how God must feel. The work was all done at the cross. The sin debt for all humanity was paid. All we have to do is receive this free gift. In the same way Chris just needs to reach out at take the keys, all we must do is realize we are lost and only Christ can save us. Repent of your sins, ask Him to forgive you, then ask Him to save you and move into your heart. If you place all your trust into Him, He will never let you down and your eternity will be secured forever. Don't let the price paid for your soul be paid in vain.
Yes, I know I may be crossing the line to be preachy, but I love you all and simply want to share eternity with you. I know where I'm going and why. How about you? Questions? call or email. I'd love to visit with you about this.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Within the lines
Charlie the Choo Choo was a train. Every day he would leave the station with his load of peanuts and head down the same set of tracks to the candy factory. Every day he would pass a beautiful, green meadow with wildflowers blooming and little bunny rabbits frolicking in the green grass.
Every day Charlie wished he could be free of his track to frolic in the meadow with the bunnies, but he just continued up and down his track back and forth, back and forth. Then one day it happened, Charlie could stand it no longer and jumped his track and headed for the meadow. "I want to be free!" he shouted as he left the tracks.
Do you know what happened? That's right. Charlie's big steel wheels got bogged down in the soft dirt of the meadow and he got stuck. You see, Charlie was only free as long as he stayed on the path that he was designed to take. The meadow, as beautiful and inviting as it seemed, was no place for a choo choo train. He couldn't move at all!
That's the same with us. We often think the path we have been designed to follow is holding us back, restricting us. We want the freedom to go off the path and do new and exciting things. The problem lies in the fact that, like Charlie, we are most free when we follow the path that we were designed to keep. There will certainly be places that will appear to be more fun and promise real freedom, when in fact, we can expect to bog down in the mire of the place.
We each have a path, a God-ordained plan, individually prepared just for us. Our freedom is finding that path and putting the hammer down. If we do, we are practically unstoppable!
Have a great day…full throttle!
Every day Charlie wished he could be free of his track to frolic in the meadow with the bunnies, but he just continued up and down his track back and forth, back and forth. Then one day it happened, Charlie could stand it no longer and jumped his track and headed for the meadow. "I want to be free!" he shouted as he left the tracks.
Do you know what happened? That's right. Charlie's big steel wheels got bogged down in the soft dirt of the meadow and he got stuck. You see, Charlie was only free as long as he stayed on the path that he was designed to take. The meadow, as beautiful and inviting as it seemed, was no place for a choo choo train. He couldn't move at all!
That's the same with us. We often think the path we have been designed to follow is holding us back, restricting us. We want the freedom to go off the path and do new and exciting things. The problem lies in the fact that, like Charlie, we are most free when we follow the path that we were designed to keep. There will certainly be places that will appear to be more fun and promise real freedom, when in fact, we can expect to bog down in the mire of the place.
We each have a path, a God-ordained plan, individually prepared just for us. Our freedom is finding that path and putting the hammer down. If we do, we are practically unstoppable!
Have a great day…full throttle!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I got a very nice message from a friend in regards to my little musings. They were complimentary, even a little shocked that they enjoyed my company, what with me being a preacher and all.
It seems to me that there are many out there (I’ve talked to many myself) who are a bit disenfranchised with organized religion and those who propagate it.
Let me go on record and state my belief that religion has done more damage to Christianity that anything else.
Relax, I am not engaged in blasphemy.Jesus himself was an enemy of religion. Which is simply the habit or method of doing something in a regular or orchestrated manner.
Folks, Christianity is about relationship not religion!!!
I’m sure we could all come up with examples of what is wrong with churches, preachers, etc. and could name off more than a bushel full of hypocrites. I could probably name a pretty good many myself!
But that doesn’t release us from the desire of Christ that we "forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is..." )Hebrews 10:25.
The reason there isn’t a perfect church to be found is because there are no perfect members to make it up. The reason there are no perfect preachers is because God doesn’t call preachers, He calls men to preach. That’s all a preacher is...a regular guy God has handpicked to do a particular work...albeit with His help and guidance.
So,dear friends, don’t be content to lay out of church just because some redneck, moss-backed, hard-headed preacher hurt your feelings, or because some closed-minded, gossip-ridden bunch of hypocrites didn’t welcome you into their little tea party.
Keep looking for a church you can be a part of. The church I attend is not perfect (that’s why I can still go!) but it is an awesome bunch of folk.
We were created to need the fellowship of others. (hey, that’s part of why we all love the PGR so’s an assembly of like minded folks, on a mission, who enjoy each other’s company).
The PGR is not a substitute for church and God wants us all to attend or He wouldn’t have invented it and gave Himself for it (the church). So, cast your dispersions aside and give church another’ll be glad you did.
And while you’re at it, give preachers a chance too. You might actually find one you like!
Have a great day, and remember you are loved!
It seems to me that there are many out there (I’ve talked to many myself) who are a bit disenfranchised with organized religion and those who propagate it.
Let me go on record and state my belief that religion has done more damage to Christianity that anything else.
Relax, I am not engaged in blasphemy.Jesus himself was an enemy of religion. Which is simply the habit or method of doing something in a regular or orchestrated manner.
Folks, Christianity is about relationship not religion!!!
I’m sure we could all come up with examples of what is wrong with churches, preachers, etc. and could name off more than a bushel full of hypocrites. I could probably name a pretty good many myself!
But that doesn’t release us from the desire of Christ that we "forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is..." )Hebrews 10:25.
The reason there isn’t a perfect church to be found is because there are no perfect members to make it up. The reason there are no perfect preachers is because God doesn’t call preachers, He calls men to preach. That’s all a preacher is...a regular guy God has handpicked to do a particular work...albeit with His help and guidance.
So,dear friends, don’t be content to lay out of church just because some redneck, moss-backed, hard-headed preacher hurt your feelings, or because some closed-minded, gossip-ridden bunch of hypocrites didn’t welcome you into their little tea party.
Keep looking for a church you can be a part of. The church I attend is not perfect (that’s why I can still go!) but it is an awesome bunch of folk.
We were created to need the fellowship of others. (hey, that’s part of why we all love the PGR so’s an assembly of like minded folks, on a mission, who enjoy each other’s company).
The PGR is not a substitute for church and God wants us all to attend or He wouldn’t have invented it and gave Himself for it (the church). So, cast your dispersions aside and give church another’ll be glad you did.
And while you’re at it, give preachers a chance too. You might actually find one you like!
Have a great day, and remember you are loved!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Somebody knows
"Has it ever occurred to you that nothing has ever occurred to God?"
I love that little saying. That's right, God knows everything so He has never been surprised.
One only has to go to the State Fair, or a Razorback game, or any of a thousand events to realize that there are a bunch of folks riding along on this planetary adventure with us.
The amazing part is, we have never even seen the large majority of them! BUT, and this is the cool part, even though there are people "like the sand of the sea", God even keeps up with the sparrows that fall from the sky. Even the number of hairs on our heads (true...that's not too big a job for people like me, BigAck, Preacher Jack, and now Grumpy).
When you begin to think that nobody notices or nobody cares, realize that there is beneficent God who wants to have a wonderful relationship with you, just waiting for an invitation into your life. You see, God is a gentlemen and never goes where He's not invited. Invite Him to ride along with you this week and see if it doesn't make a difference.
Oh, and while you're at it, don't make him the co-pilot...let Him drive!
I love that little saying. That's right, God knows everything so He has never been surprised.
One only has to go to the State Fair, or a Razorback game, or any of a thousand events to realize that there are a bunch of folks riding along on this planetary adventure with us.
The amazing part is, we have never even seen the large majority of them! BUT, and this is the cool part, even though there are people "like the sand of the sea", God even keeps up with the sparrows that fall from the sky. Even the number of hairs on our heads (true...that's not too big a job for people like me, BigAck, Preacher Jack, and now Grumpy).
When you begin to think that nobody notices or nobody cares, realize that there is beneficent God who wants to have a wonderful relationship with you, just waiting for an invitation into your life. You see, God is a gentlemen and never goes where He's not invited. Invite Him to ride along with you this week and see if it doesn't make a difference.
Oh, and while you're at it, don't make him the co-pilot...let Him drive!
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