God created everything, including man.
God created woman from man.
God, man and woman have a wonderful relationship and proximity.
Satan deceives, Eve eats, gives to Adam...Adam eats.
The problem was that to eat from that tree was forbidden.
Man disobeyed, sin arrived, fellowship was broken.
Because of sin, man is separated from God and begins the process of dying.
Earth is cursed by sin. Things are bad.
God still loves mankind and desires a relationship with same,
yet sin prohibits proximity.
God provides a solution by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus, to earth.
He has a miraculous, biologically impossible birth, so as not to carry the sin nature of mankind, He lived as a man, tempted in all things, subject to all things, yet without sin.
He tries to show people God's desire for them, but organized religion wanted no part of Him.
He was tried in by a court full of liars and cowards.
Pilate could have released Him but he was swayed by public opinion.
Jesus was beaten and scourged to the point He was unrecognizable as a man.
He was beaten with reeds, wore a crown of thorns, was spat upon, had a royal robe put on his badly beaten back then ripped off after it had begun to adhere to his torn flesh.
He was forced to carry his own cross up Calvary's mountain until His physical strength failed.
He was nailed to the cross and had it dropped into a hole, displaying Him between earth and sky as a mockery.
In the position of cricifixion the only way He could breathe was to raise Himself upon the nail through His feet.
Even while dying on the cross, He arranged care for His mother, asked forgiveness for His murderers, showed mercy to one dying beside Him and prayed to His Father.
After He stated "it is finished" He died and was laid in a borrowed tomb.
The governor sealed the door and posted guards to the tomb.
While Jesus body laid there, His spirit went to Hades to free the captives (those who had been looking to and anticipating His coming).
Three days after His death HE AROSE. The stone was rolled away, the soldiers freaked and left.
The ladies who came to leave spices and flowers saw the linen strips He had been wrapped in lying as if He had just passed through them, and face cloth was lying there, neatly folded.
Jesus appeared to his disciples, to strangers, and to an entire congration of thousands after His resurrection.
He ascended into heaven to make preparations for His return to retrieve those who belong to Him. But He left his spiritual presence (the Holy Spirit) as our comforter and our moral compass.
Those who believe this story and place their faith in Him belong to Him.
Those who believe this story but do not place their faith in Him do not belong to Him.
When we die, if we belong to Him, we go to Him in heaven. If we don't we descend to Hell.
If we are alive when He returns, those that belong to Him will meet Him in the air and go to an eternal paradise called heaven.
Those that don't will eventually suffer the same fate as the deceiver Satan, an eternity in the bottomless pit of hell, suffering hopelessly for all eternity.
Jesus died so we wouldn't have to, He wants everyone to join Him in heaven, to refuse His offer, His gift, His sacrifice is to spit in the face of Jesus and pour His blood upon the ground. He loves you too much for that. Let this Easter be the beginning of your secure eternity.
You know, this wasn't that short at all. But I assure you. This was the most important story you will ever hear. Wanna hear more, I'd love to tell you more!
I love you...but He really loves you!!!
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