As we do the good work of honoring our soldiers, let us not forget to honor those in our own homes with whom God has blessed us.
Please humor me while I try to pull all this together. My wife's brother was in the Navy. In the summer of 1983 they had a "family day" in which the families of the sailors where allow on board and even took a short cruise around the bay there at Virginia Beach.
Work prohibited my going along on this trip, but my wife took her parents out to see her brother. While enjoying the ride on the USS Yorktown, she became what she thought was "sea-sick", upon her return to Arkansas she found that she wasn't sea-sick, rather she was "morning sick". The Hulk's firstborn made her presence known while riding on a Naval destroyer! How about that! Just a cool little tidbit I had lodged down deep.
I am so glad my wife is planning to attend our meet, greet and eat. This will give her an opportunity to meet many of you and hopefully understand a little bit about why our association and each one of you is so important to me. There is nothing more important to me on this earth than my wife and those two "little" girls. I think I'm gonna get up from this 'puter and go pass out some hugs! How 'bout you go do the same with those you can still get "a hold" of!
"Thank you Lord for my family. Each of the three of them. My physical family, my church family, and my PGR family. Give each of them a special blessing today and give them a fresh sense of Your presence and interest in their lives. Protect us as we seek to serve You. And protect those that You are using to protect us!
In Jesus name… Amen."
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