The old expression, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is false! This old dog is learning a great deal about a great many things (mainly myself) over these past couple of weeks.
I guess one of the more painful lessons I am learning is that when something needs to be rested, rest it! Otherwise something else on the chain will become highly affected.
Let me explain, from previous posts you know that I have broken my ankle and am sporting a lovely green fiberglass cast. Luckily (not really) my orthopedist said I could put a little weight on my foot. (Which of course I assumed to mean that I could walk around as normal as possible.) This is not what he meant! For nearly two weeks I’ve been involved in practically everything I involved myself in before the broken bone, except mowing the lawn and other obvious no-no’s. Big mistake, I have now tweaked my knee to the point that it has become sore to the touch and very painful to move. I have been treating it with ice and ointments but I knew the best thing to do was to stay off of it.
So I stayed with my plan to go to Kidz Kamp at Bogg Springs (a lovely spot just below Mena in a secluded valley that will be home to some 800 campers, staffers, and adults in just a few hours.) I came out Saturday morning with the teens from our church for staffer training weekend. My plan is to stay away from most of the activity and “hide” in the “motel” a 4-room building with a couch, a double bed, a dresser, a refrigerator, a sink, shower, and toilet. Luxury accommodations, no…adequate, yes.
It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m already nearly bored to tears. I’ve read a book, driven up to the office to find the wi-fi signal to check email and all that after an excellent service this morning in the tabernacle. Will I make it through the week? I’m sure I will, it will just take some getting used to and some self-discipline…two lovely prospects neither of which are much fun.
But rest is important; we were not made to be consistently on the go. God rested on the 7th day to give us an example, not because He needed the rest. We must eat, sleep, work, and when things break or we get sick…we must allow time to heal. It’s really that simple. While my body is healing though, I plan to study, read and pray. You don’t need two good legs for that and I’m way behind on all counts.
Ya’ll be careful out there!
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