Do you have days where you just really don’t seem to be having a good time? I do, I’m afraid that I might even be prone to depression from time to time. The pressures of life, the busyness of work, the expenses of raising a family (especially when one of them is in college!), and then the added “yuck” of recovering from a broken leg—all can converge to just suck the life or at least the joy out of life…if we let it.
One morning this week I was “enjoying” attending my own little pity party and dog-gone-it if the Lord didn’t send me a little sump’n-sump’n to yank me back where I needed to be. I almost always listen to K-Love Christian radio. (I believe the human brain is like a computer, you only get out what you put in. GIGO-garbage in, garbage out) Anyway, a song came on that I have heard a million times and always liked but this time it hit me like a ton of bricks. Philips, Craig and Dean’s “I am a friend of God” started in, “Who am I that you are thinking of me, that You listen when I call.” Continuing to remind me that the God of the universe loves me, want’s to hear from me, and calls me His friend. That knowledge will ruin a perfectly good pity party. No the problems don’t go away, but a least you know that God is there with you, loving you, caring about the trash you’re dealing with, and really wanting to help.
My question is, how can I feel so relieved and loved, and then a day or sometimes even a few hours later, be back in the doldrums or under the grip of depression? Think about it, the devil is a roaring lion, roaming around, looking to devour or destroy us. What’s better for him than no Christian at all?--a sour, bitter Christian misrepresenting the Christ who saved them. Heaven forbid that I should send a message or represent that Christ hasn’t fulfilled all my needs and blessed me exceeding abundantly more than I deserve.
There it is…whenever you are feeling low, count your blessings nice and slow!
Go on poetry man!
I’m feeling better already…how ‘bout you?
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