Being a southern boy I love iced tea, but I like it fresh (and sweet). Being a southern boy that is a bit too large I've sacrificed and made the switch to artificial sweetener. BUT, I can't find a substitute for fresh. Have you tried tea concentrate, YUCK! Tea is made to be enjoyed within the day it is made!
Do you like stale chips? Neither corn chips nor potato chips are good after they've become stale. Bread and other baked goods are yummy when they are fresh, but not so yummy after they've become stale.
Am I just hungry or do I have a point? Well, it's Monday morning and I love new beginnings. Are you going to have a good week? "Well it depends", you say. You're right, it does. It depends on how we choose to react to what the days bring. If we see our challenges as opportunities and if we choose to trust God to handle the big things and not fret then possibilities for joy become a lot greater.
I'm in the mood for a fresh week, a brand new day, a real opportunity to enjoy some awesome things. How 'bout you? Then decide!!!
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