I have recently returned from a mission trip to St. Petersburg, Russia. I am so proud that our church is a very mission committed church and, as such, we take several trips each year to encourage missionaries and give our people the opportunity to experience a little bit of missionary life. We meet the people and see the field and find ourselves far more able to pray for and be concerned about the various missionaries we support.
On this trip there were 11 members of Faith Baptist Church; myself, Lynn & Brenda Raburn, Betty & Terry Reece, Mike & Melody Shoptaw, DeLynn Hearn & Buryl Dunlap, Danny Douglas and Bob Moore. We left Little Rock on a Friday afternoon, flew into Memphis then on into Amsterdam and the St. Petersburg. It was a long night of flying but a strong tailwind and the anticipation of a great trip kept us going.

Upon arriving in Russia we got our first glance into this proud land. The sky was gray and overcast, it rained most or at least a good portion of every day, not a soaking rain, just a constant drizzle. We got our bags packed into a van, got ourselves packed into the van, a taxi and Tammy's car and headed off for our home for the week.
The missionaries who hosted our visit were Kevin and Tammy Plaster, veteran missionaries who have been in Russia for roughly 15 years. It is a extremely difficult field as the Russian Orthodox church is basically the only thing these people have any experience with. They have a small congregation of Christians that have found Kevin and are doing a great job. Kevin is a faithful evangelist and soul winner. He distributes gospel tracts by the thousands counting on God's promise that His Word will not return unto Him void. His wife Tammy is the principal at an International School for the children of those who find themselves in Russia from other countries. We were able to bring lots of supplies for the school with us that made the staff very happy. Everything from a vacuum pump, to musical instruments, to a preserved rat for biology class. We also had the opportunity to work with Miss Yoko Sato, a missionary helper from Japan that works with the Plasters.
Our work for the week was to remodel the church building; painting, sheet rock, relocating a radiator, etc. and also help publish and distribute gospel tracts. Along the way we saw the city's sights, sample the city's food and came elbow to elbow with the city's people.
St. Petersburg is a beautiful city. It's architecture is amazing, the people of Russia are beautiful people, but they don't seem happy. There is very little eye contact on the street, mainly looking at their feet as they quickly go from place to place. I mentioned the dreary weather, there was a dreary tone that hung over the whole country that I took to be the lack of the sunshine of God's love. I know it must be frustrated for Kevin to know that he is working so hard to share with them the solution to their problems and the secret to real happiness and contentment but to have them blindly ignore it. Perhaps in time.
I certainly enjoyed my time in Russia. Kevin and I are very much alike in terms of a pretty bizarre sense of humor. But I really have a soft spot in my heart now for the salvation of the Russian people. I look forward to a return trip someday and hope that the revival will have begun!
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