Today is the day we set aside to recognize those who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. This is no small thing. Surely, you all have seen the patch or heard the saying, "All gave some, some gave all"; this is an absolutely true statement. No matter if you served 4 years quietly during peace time or you are the recipient of a Purple Heart for injuries sustained while fighting on the front lines during wartime, I salute you. Your willingness to serve, to give, to take orders, and to lay down your life...if necessary...is a rare thing.
In this world today we live with the "me first" mentality. What's in it for me? Our military men and women have put themselves on the back burner and have done and some still do the things that most Americans never even consider. For this and a million other reasons, thank you and God bless you.
I personally try to observe Veteran's Day every day. I try to recognize those who have served and those who are currently serving. They all deserve our respect, our gratitude and our admiration. So today, and every day hence, be aware of the sacrifices made by our Veterans. Don't just trip through life blindly; spoiled, selfish and numb. We are not "turtles on a fence post". We didn't get here all by ourselves!
May God bless our veterans. May God bless our military. May God bless America!
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