Friday, April 25, 2008

Highs and lows

Are you like me? Does your mood fluctuate like an EKG? I'm up, I'm down, I'm just here and then it could go any direction at any time.

On one hand today I'm very excited and happy as I know that there are nearly 200 marines returning home to their families after serving over 18 months in the "sandbox". What a homecoming these American heroes will enjoy. I wish them the very best and hope they know that the majority of Americans are very proud of them and appreciate their efforts tremendously.

On the other hand I have been made aware of two people very close to people who are very close to me that have come to the end of their life's journey.

A NLR Patrol officer was a dear friend of my friends, J.V. Williams and Judy Douglas, passed away about midnight Thursday morning. Then my good friend Janie Mistric called me this morning to tell me that her brother Charlie, on whose behalf many prayers have been said, passed away early this morning (Friday).

As I celebrate a homecoming with these marines, my heart will be a bit saddened for the losses that my friends have suffered. But, even in death, there is a sense of relief. No more tears, no more pain, only glory over there. They don't even have to worry about this upcoming election!

Hang in there my friends, and welcome home marines...oo rah!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's Amazing

As the oldest of 3 children I didn't have the luxury of a big brother with which to threaten bullies or impress my friends. But I have certainly enjoyed the brotherhood and comraderie of some awesome freinds.

There is a special friend, one that the Bible says "sticks closer than a brother" and that's Jesus.

It is said in Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God and are the called according to His purpose." In other words, God is able to bring something good from every situation.

I was just talking to a friend of mine about that this week. The "reverend" Fred Phelps and his minions at Westboro Baptist Church are involved in one of the most sickening examples of freedom of expression I have ever seen.

These deluded souls believe that American military casualties are the result of God's judgement upon America for the tolerance of the homosexual lifestyle. Therefore, they take great pleasure in these deaths, to the degree that they demonstrate at the funeral services of these fallen heroes with horrible signs and chants, expressing their delight in "God's judgment".

First of all, I don't beleive God is punishing America's tolerance of homosexuality through our military. Even if He was, why would God's people find any pleasure in that? In reality it should break our hearts. There are only about another million reason why I beleive these people are nut-cases, but that's not the purpose of today's blog.

Isn't it amazing to think that had it not been for the inexcusable evil propogated by this so-called church, the Patriot Guard Riders organization might not exist and with it the good work of honoring those, not only casualties of this present war, but all those who have served in this country's military services. We have seen a rise in patriotism and national pride and many a veteran and their family have received the honor long due them as a result of a reaction to a terrible thing.

Romans 12:21 says, "Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good."

I'm so glad to have Jesus as my "big brother" because "greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." I John 4:4.

Father, may we never become so overwhelmed by the evil of this present age that we roll over and play dead, rather, empower us with your spirit that we might rise up and overcome the evil, by being your ambassadors of good. For when we bow to serve you, we are strenthened by you.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Holy Moments

I was reminded yesterday that I hadn't posted anything in a few days and then the Lord woke me up early this morning with some thoughts.

Our Senior Pastor will be out of town this weekend preaching a revival in Texas so that gives me the opportunity to preach on Sunday. I had been mulling over some thoughts over the past several days and this morning God saw fit to have me get up early and start putting things together.

Isaiah chapter 6 is an account of Isaiah being presented with the holiness of God and the responses that encounter elicited. As I pondered this passage I was reminded of something I want to share with you.

Yesterday, I had the great privilege to stand in honor of a 90 year old man who had served his country from WWII to Vietnam. He was a retired Chief Master Sergeant in the Air Force and was a highly decorated soldier. His daughter and the rest of the family were very moved that our group would scramble and organize a mission to honor this soldier with so little notice.

But one particular moment in the day could only be described as a "holy moment". At the end of the service we were standing around the hearse waiting to render honors as the casket was being loaded. While we waited, an elderly gentlemen walked up to me and asked how to contact us, stating that he would like for us to attend his service.

My response was to give him my card and let him know that one phone call would set the wheels in motion. I told him that it would be an honor to attend that service but to not get in any hurry. He smiled but said that he didn't think that he had much time left. I assured him that when the time came we would be there. He thanked me and walked away.

That made an impression on me. How many of us truly comprehend how precious and delicate is each day of life? This man had faced his own mortality and had begun to make preparations for his departure.

In my nearly twenty years of ministry I have conducted and/or attended funerals for those over 100 years old to those only hours old and all points in between.

The Bible tells us that our life here is just a vapor, here and gone in just a moment of time. In the face of eternity even 100 years is just a drop in the bucket.

As I begin this day I thank God for the opportunity to begin another day and I am determined to look for the glimpses of holiness that I may be blessed with if I would only slow down and really live the day rather than just rush through another day of existence.

How long has it been since you felt the breath of God, sensed the rustle of His robes, or had the impression of His presence with you? I pray that you know the presence of God in your life, if you don't...well, you're just not living. Let's talk about it!

Until we meet again, live in search of "holy moments" CARPE DIEM

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Soggy Thoughts

As I wake to another day of April showers my thoughts go to our friend Noah. I guess partly because I've been planning a trip for our church to go see that new musical in Branson about him. But I'll also admit, I'm beginning to tire of this particular weather pattern.

Question: How many of each animal did Noah take onto the ark with him?

You might be surprised at the answer! Most people will say two without batting an eye, but there are actually two answers. The Bible tells us in Genesis 7:2, "Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that [are] not clean by two, the male and his female."

No this is not useless Bible trivia. To me it is a reminder to make sure what the Bible says. Don't take my word or anyone else's word..Read it for yourself. There are lots of things people say are in the Bible not actually there and a whole lots of things being misrepresented by men.

Let God speak for Himself. Read the book. He wrote it just for you!

Stay dry!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Highs and lows

Today, I think, has been a pretty good metaphor for life generally. I woke up early looking forward to getting to ride my bike for a good portion of the day. I had decided last night to ride up to honor a WWII veteran with the PGR up in Fayetteville. It's a sad reason to make a trip, but it was a beautiful day to ride.

Before I left I sat down to check email and saw that Bro. George Raley had passed away. Bro. George was a pillar among Missionary Baptists. He was dearly loved by many, including me. A personal favorite claim to fame was the fact that he was the first pastor for whom my dear friend Joyce Vance worked.

Long day, nice ride up. Good to meet new faces and see freinds again. Yogi, a freind of mine rode up with me and shared a praise in his life. Remind me to tell you the story of how a text message changed a life. (sounds like a blog entry to me!)

The ride home was rough. We fought a headwind and about 2 million 18-wheelers, but I was it's all good. I got home, had a nice meal with the family and my youngest and I went out for a long walk (trying to lose weight is NOT fun). I took some tunes to dampen the sounds of my labored breathing and was enjoying listening to one of my favorite bands "Pocket Full of Rocks". Anyway, as I was doing my walk I stepped into a hole and ended up all over the street. Of course, there was a car full of people right there and they stopped to check on me...HOW EMBARRASSING! Anyway, I ignored my scraped palms and knee, and fractured pride and continued on the journey..with a new limp. Anyway, the song just happened to come up that has the words, "but they don't know what it's like to have the King of the Universe hold your hand". I had to laugh out loud. What a glorious thought.

I'll be the first to admit that I am succeptable to depression, pity parties, and woe is me-itis. But to think that the King of the Universe knows me, loves me, and wants to hang out with me is a pretty awesome thought.

Thanks Lord for a good day. The sadness of death is not sad to those who know You so I can't be sad right now. Thanks for the peace and knowledge I have knowing that Bro. George can "literally" hold your hand right now. Help me keep focused on You and not distracted by the holes in the road ahead. You are an awesome God. Thanks for being my friend.

Friday, April 4, 2008

New Soul in Glory

A dear friend, Peggy Buck, went on to glory yesterday. Peggy was perhaps the most comfortable pianist/organist I ever met. The instrument was a true extension of herself. Unbelievably talented, she constantly amazed me when she played. There is no doubt that only God could have been the source of her talent.

Even though I hadn't seen her in quite some time, she was never far from my thoughts. Congratulations on your promotion Peggy. I look forward to hearing you play Heavenly instruments, perfection, God's direct influence; what a combination.

Alton, kids; my heart hurts for your loss. But my heart sings for her triumph. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

Love ya,

When the storms are raging, where are you?

If you are a local, you know that we had several rounds of thunderstorms and tornadoes affect Arkansas last night. At one time I had TVs on 2 channels and 4 different websites up watching radar, I watched the vibrant colors move all around and miss our church plant but practically take out the North Little Rock airport a stone's throw away, I watched as the storm came up tornado alley (Hwy 67/167) but avoided Jacksonville (the town in which I live), as a matter of fact I watched at least 2 storms come this way and pass over.

Our oldest daughter is in college in Conway so I was monitoring and checking in to inform and comfort her, I even had mobile reporters out in the storm checking in with me (Great job Roslyn!). At a couple of points in the evening I put my wife and youngest daughter in the closet for their safety, but as all men know, my place during a storm was standing out on the front porch!

I pray that you all made it through the storms without personal injury to yourself or the ones you love. I also pray any property damage you may have suffered was minor.

You know, storms in Arkansas are a fact of life. As a matter of fact, storms in life are a fact of life!

How many songs can you think of that deal with this subject?

My father-in-law introduced me to "When the storms of life are raging, stand by me".
"Keep me safe, 'til the storm passes by", "It is well with my soul", "The Anchor holds", just to name a few.

Storms are scary and do tremendous damage to person and property, storms of both weather and life. But the Christian is never alone.

It's so good to know that when the storms of life rage, Jesus is standing next to me. What do we need more than even protection sometimes? Companionship. I tease those who tell me, "I'm right behind you", or "I've got your back". I usually say something smart like "No, stand here beside me so I can keep an eye on you." But we all need friends who will stand beside us, through the good and bad.

Thank you Jesus for being a friend that sticks closer than a brother, You never leave me or forsake me. "What a friend we have in Jesus!"

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Part of what I do is work with kids. I've been involved in a wonderful program called AWANA for 18 years. It incorporates games, Bible memorization and a Gospel message. It is a wonderful tool to bring kids in from the neighborhood who need to hear about the love of God.

Ok, honestly, sometimes these kids get the better of me. Yes, I know they're kids, I know many have no structure or continuity in their lives, but sometimes evil exists in young people.

Tonight, for instance, our secretary ran a couple of teenagers out of her office. That just shouldn't be. They were up to no good, probably looking for money or something valuable to hock. About 10 years ago my office at a church was broken into. They stole my guitar, they tried to make 1-900 calls from my phone, and they used my favorite coffee cup for an ash tray.

If I could have caught them I would have stomped a mudhole in their chest. There must be a special place in hell for people who would steal from a church, or hurt a child, or any of a number of despicable activities.

But there's not. The truth is, sin is sin. God hates all of it. But he loves sinners.

God only knows two kinds of people; those that are His and those that are not. What separates them is sin, any sin. So is one really any worse than another? On earth..sure, to each other...sure. But ultimately if we commit any sin we are sinners and sinners cannot occupy heaven. That's why the blood of Christ is so important. It washes away sin.

God forgive me for judging others, even when they get on my last nerve. I know I must get on Yours. Give me the strength to patiently, lovingly, and graciously direct them to Your Son.

Whew, I feel better.