Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Hulsizer Christmas Letter 2017

Well, it’s that time of year again. When the halls are decked, the stockings are hung, and all the kids are being especially nice. Music directors are anxious because the date of the cantata looms upon the horizon. Teachers and Registrars are looking forward to the last day of school until Christmas break and nurses are diligently treating the various bronchio-nasal infirmities with which seemingly everyone is plagued.

With all that said, we hope everyone who reads this communique is in good health, good spirits and living a good life.

Among the bigger news events of 2017 is the news that our house in Jacksonville finally sold and that Jeff and Shelia have moved to Benton (with Lucy). We are currently in an apartment and will be until at least May as we signed a year’s lease. Jeff sold his motorcycle and has decided to look for ways to preserve his life rather than risk it so that he can enjoy his family (especially the grand babies) as long as possible!

And maybe I should explain my use of the word, “grand babies”. Many of you know that our daughter, Jessica and her husband, Matt, adopted our precious Savannah Grace on December 5th last year. Well, a few months later, they were contacted by the lawyer for the birth parent and asked if they would be interested in another baby, the one she was carrying at that time. She would be a 100% blood sister to Savannah. After thinking and praying about it, they decided that they, indeed, would welcome Charlotte into their family. We are all just thrilled about those two!

Jeff and Shelia try to see the Pettys’ at least weekly and Aunt Jenny does a good job of keeping in contact with them as well. Those two little girls are certainly loved!!! (as are their mommy and daddy).

In other news, Jennifer is in her third year teaching at Caldwell Elementary and is in her 2nd year of teaching 1st grade. She loves it and does an awesome job. Just last month she bought herself a new (to her) car, a 2016 Honda CRV. Mom and Dad are very proud of her and feel much better about her vehicular safety! We also love the fact that Jennifer attends the same church as her mom and dad and even sings in the same choir. What a blessing!

Jessica is still with the Baptist Health Medical Clinic in Cabot, and Matt continues his work with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Arkansas. They manage to stay busy wrangling a couple of very active little girls! Let us never be guilty of forgetting the great news that last month Jessica was deemed cancer-free for 5 full years! We are so grateful for God’s care and healing! The picking up and carrying the children and all the accompanying luggage, etc. has taken it’s toll on poor Matt’s back. Hopefully the chiropractor can patch him up and get him back in the swing, lift and carry of things!

Shelia continues her passion for running. She is trying to run a half-marathon in as many different states as possible. It’s more of a challenge now since we live in Benton, but she is focused on her goals! One of her best work friends moved to Benton about the same time we did, so she is able to carpool to Sherwood rather than make the trip alone, this is a great thing!

Jeff is enjoying his work as the Worship leader for Sharon Baptist Church. Just this morning the combined Joyful Harmony (elementary), Middle School and Sanctuary choirs, with narrator, readers and soloists of all ages, will present a worship celebration for Christmas called “Wonder and Glory”. We also added an adult handbell group and are close to beginning a children’s handbell group. Our dear friends, David and Pam Platt, work with these groups. Something new in Jeff’s wheelhouse this year, he teaches English in the Ouachita Valley Correctional Unit in Malvern on Tuesday nights. He still paints whenever he can, gives guitar lessons, and stays quite busy with “honey-do’s” and “daddy-do’s”.

We are anticipating a wonderful Christmas holiday and hope the very same for each of you. May the Christ of Christmas be your hope and peace this year and forevermore!

All our love,

Jeff and Shelia Hulsizer
Jessica, Matt, Savannah and Charlotte Petty
Jennifer Hulsizer
and Scarlett and Lucy too!

Jeff and Shelia Hulsizer, 2600 E. Longhills Rd., Apt. 801, Benton, AR 72019