Saturday, September 13, 2008

September 12, 13, 14, etc.

As horrible and terrible as the events of September 11, 2001. There are other tragedies that seem to go unnoticed. On September 11, 2001 over 3,000 innocent Americans were killed. But on September 12, 2001 over 3,000 more innocent Americans were killed, and again on the Sept. 13 and again on every day since then.

WHAT! Where are the news reporters, where is the public outrage? Who were these people? Where did this happen?

The answer is, there is no outcry, the press doesn't care. These people were unborn children killed before they had a chance to live. But we don't call it first degree murder, we call it Abortion, really we don't even call it that. We call it "choice".

It's not a political topic, or even a social topic. It's a crime. Does life begin at birth or conception? DUH! Ask a pregnant mother if the child in her womb that is kicking the daylights out of her is alive! It's a woman's right to choose what happens to her body. YOU'RE RIGHT! But the choice happens when she chooses to have unprotected sex! Not after the fact! What about rape and incest you ask? In 2000 less than 1% of abortions claimed rape or incest as the reason to abort the pregnancy.

In a study conducted in 1998 the choices abortion was chosen included 25.5% want to postpone childbearing, 21.3% cannot afford a baby, 14.1% has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy, 12.2% too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy, 10.8% having a child will disrupt education or job, 7.9% want no (more) children, 3.3% risk to fetal health, 2.8% risk to maternal health, 2.1% other.

I am so pleased that the Pro-Life platform has seemingly gained some ground in the current political arena. It is out of control and I'm afraid God's patience with this abomination is thinning. Americans...Be responsible! All of us...MEN AND WOMEN!

Oh by the way, since when is the opposite of Pro-Life - Pro-Choice? By all other standards the opposite of Pro-life is Pro-death. Think about it! Please...think about it!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I was just a kid when Kennedy was shot. I remember my mother waking me up to see Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. I remember when Reagan was shot, when Elvis died, and when John Lennon was shot. I also remember when John Denver's plane when down. But no memory is emblazoned so clearly in my mind as September 11, 2001.

I was on my way to the church office and needed to stop for a haircut (no comments from the peanut gallery!). I was listening to the radio when the first plane hit and assumed, I guess like most of America, that this was a very tragic accident. Then while sitting in the barber's chair another patron came in and announced the second plane had hit. I knew then that this was no accident, but who...and why? Then the plane hit the Pentagon, then another crashed into a field in Pennsylvania!?!

I went to the office and we hooked up a television to watch the coverage. I remember the whole office paralyzed, sitting watching helplessly, hopelessly as the towers fell. The first attack on America soil in...oh my...the devastation, the loss of life, the fear.

I will never forget that day. I will never forget the billows of smoke, the video of people leaping to their deaths from the towers, the towers themselves crumbling into piles of rubble, not knowing how many innocent victims were still in the buildings. Then the stories of heroism. The policemen and firemen who saved lives, many at the loss of their own.

I can remember the anger, the need for revenge...retribution. I'm still angry. I still want those who planned and carried out this cowardly terrorist attack on innocent people including women and children brought to justice...Old Testament justice.

No, I am not a lover of war. But I also know that war is sometimes necessary. Yes, it is expensive, not only financially but more importantly in the lives of the soldiers who are called to fight the wars.

I support our President, I support the soldiers who have gone, who are there, and who are going. Not only to Afghanistan, but to Iraq as well. I believe there were weapons of mass destruction there, but the American press gave Saddam Hussein plenty of time to move them. Even the Democrats who are discrediting our President for the invasion of Iraq knew they were there (at least they did while Clinton was president).

But I don't want to go off on a political tangent. I want Bin Laden and everyone else who had a part in 9-11. I remember. As such, I will continue to remember and will remember why our men and women are fighting this war and I will support them. I will never forget and hope you won't either.

A wise man once said, "those who choose to forget history are destined to repeat it."

May it never be so and may God bless America and protect her forces and her allies as they fight the hidden enemies of freedom and right.

Until we meet again...

Monday, September 8, 2008


Being a southern boy I love iced tea, but I like it fresh (and sweet). Being a southern boy that is a bit too large I've sacrificed and made the switch to artificial sweetener. BUT, I can't find a substitute for fresh. Have you tried tea concentrate, YUCK! Tea is made to be enjoyed within the day it is made!

Do you like stale chips? Neither corn chips nor potato chips are good after they've become stale. Bread and other baked goods are yummy when they are fresh, but not so yummy after they've become stale.

Am I just hungry or do I have a point? Well, it's Monday morning and I love new beginnings. Are you going to have a good week? "Well it depends", you say. You're right, it does. It depends on how we choose to react to what the days bring. If we see our challenges as opportunities and if we choose to trust God to handle the big things and not fret then possibilities for joy become a lot greater.

I'm in the mood for a fresh week, a brand new day, a real opportunity to enjoy some awesome things. How 'bout you? Then decide!!!