Saturday, February 16, 2013


One week ago today, Saturday, Feb. 9, I was returning from a very nice morning with my youngest daughter in Conway. We had gone out to a special breakfast, then up to a beautiful scenic overlook of the lake, it was a great morning. I then rode toward home and decided to stop at the church to look at the progress my oldest daughter's Sunday School class had made in fixing up their new classroom. Everything was looking good when my son-in-law mentioned that it was starting to sprinkle. I didn't want to get wet so I got on the bike and headed for Jacksonville. I hadn't gone far when I started seeing lots of brake lights all of a sudden. The car three in front of me had suddenly decided to turn left which sparked a chain reaction of people stomping on their brakes. The only problem is we were rolling pretty good since there is no stoplight for another couple of blocks, and the road was slick. I hit my brakes and started to skid. I got off of them and looked for a way around, but no love. I had to decide to either hit the back of the pickup or ditch it. Realizing that if I hit the back of the truck and he then hit the car in front, etc. etc. I would, most likely, receive a citation for causing the whole mess. The cheapskate I am, I decided to ditch it and pay for my own repairs!. On the way down I remember going into Matrix slow-motion mode and thinking, "Man, this is gonna hurt!"

I remember hitting and bouncing once on my left side. I don't know that I remember a crack but I instantly remember not being able to breathe and the weight of the bike on my legs. In no time at all some good Samaritans rushed up and picked the bike up off of me, called 911 and saw about my welfare. The man in front of me knew exactly what happened and felt bad, but it wasn't his fault. He gave me his name and number and asked me to check back with him.

This all happened on Camp Robinson Rd. between the fire station and the back of First Baptist Church. The firemen said that they would park the bike in the fire station until I could get it picked up. Against some advise I wanted to stand up so I grabbed a couple of hands, got up and stood against a light pole trying to catch my breath and call my family as the police and EMT's arrived. A cop showed up and asked for my license, the EMT's showed up and started packing me into the back. The cop told me since it was a single vehicle accident there was no need for a report or citation. We then sped off.

This was my first ride in a ambulance, and hopefully my last. Here I am, a big guy, lying on a small gurney, in a large truck with little or no suspension. At one point I asked if I could just get out and walk! We backed into the hospital and I instantly began to dread the trip from the rig to the ground when the driver came around the back of the truck. He was bigger than I was, so when he said, "I've got you bubba" I felt better. It was a good trip.

I was quickly rolled into the ER, and was quickly joined by my daughter and son-in-law. My wife soon followed since I had called her from the "crime-scene". They took my vitals and some blood and called for a CAT scan. I finally got some IV drugs and was taken for the CAT scan which showed 3 broken ribs, up high in my back. No punctured lungs or any further damage. They were concerned about my neck since I had a fusion a couple of years back, but no worries.

During all the hub-bub Matt called my best friend Grumpy and told him about things. He offered to go get my bike and take it home for me. The firemen were very nice. I appreciate them! He was able to ride it home, it appeared the only damage was the highway peg on the left engine guard had been broken off. No other damage. It appears I had protected the bike with my body!

At any rate, the people at the Springhill ER took good care of me and sent me home with a page of prescriptions. We pulled up to the Walgreens in Jacksonville and found that there was no pharmacist in right them so no go. We drove over to Walmart and found the window closed, but there was an angel in sight. Kristen Killebrew, one of our friends from the Landmark days and one of Jennifer's dear friends, is a lab-tech there and was still in the pharmacy. Shelia stuck out her bottom lip and Kristen opened the window. Shelia explained the situation and Kristen said she's take care of it. What a blessing!

It's been a long week, full of pain and frustration, but I'm learning my limitations. People have been so gracious and I've received lots of prayer support. I guess the worst part of the accident, besides the broken peg, the ruined boots, and the broken ribs, was the missed opportunity to go to WhoDats in Bald Knob for dinner. But, we've made plans to make up for that opportunity tonight with Grumpy and Vicky! I'm gonna be sure to stay away from anything that could hurt me until after we get back! One more thing, I never got my driver's license back from the officer! I didn't realize that 'til Wednesday. They're supposed to be looking for it! :)

Thanks for your prayers, love ya'll