Friday, December 21, 2012

Wow, it's been a long, long time since I've posted here. I lost my access for a while (computer ineptitude!). I started another blog about my sabbatical trip check it out! But really wanted to get back in the groove. Happy to be back! Here's this year's Christmas letter!

A wise man once said that life was like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end the faster it goes! In looking over the previous few Christmas letters I find that I always mention how fast the year has gone, this year is no different but I can honestly say, for the most part, I’m ready for this year to be over.

We have certainly had our struggles this year. Jessica had been given the all clear from her Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She had gone back to work and things were going well, then three months later the cancer had come back. She has just returned from the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha where she underwent a Stem-Cell Transplant. She and Matt were there for exactly one month, (Shelia and I took turns staying with them during the process). My mom, Shelia and I, Jennifer and even Scarlett spent Thanksgiving with Matt and Jessica there in the hospital. It was a long, hard fight but she did great. The prognosis is very good and we are so thankful for Dr. Julie Vose and the team there in Omaha. She still has a lot of healing to do and the regaining of strength will take a while but we know that God is faithful and that Matt is an awesome care-giver.

There are some bright spots to the year. In February our new pastor, Dr. Bob Wiegel came to our church and has hit the ground running. We think he is great and I am enjoying working with him and learning lots of new things about technology, computer programs and am really kicking in the creativity. Who knew you could teach an old dog new tricks? I am still awfully busy with the music ministry with the resignation of our worship pastor last November (yes over a year ago) but have enjoyed leading music again, but I’m looking forward to the prospect of a new worship pastor after the first of the year.

Last May my turn for a month’s Sabbatical came around, so my buddy Tim “Grumpy” Mistric and I rode our motorcycles 4500 miles in 18 days out old Route 66 to California then back to South Louisiana via I-10. Pictures available at, check it out!

Jennifer is a junior now at the University of Central Arkansas, still on track to get her degree in Early Childhood Education. Her big news is that this summer she is going on a month long mission trip to South Africa. While we are excited about this opportunity, I will tell you her mother and I are really leaning on the Lord to find peace about the decision to let her go!

Shelia is trying to keep up with her running and stays busy with her work as a registrar for the Pulaski County Special School District. She has run at least 4 more half-marathons this year. No matter how far she runs, she always comes home to me. J

We hope that you and yours have a blessed and safe Christmas holiday full of love and laughter. We value your friendship and continue to ask for your prayers for Jessica as she continues to heal and for the rest of us as we seek to carry out God’s will for each of our lives. Hope to hear from each of you very soon.

All our love,
Jeff, Shelia, & Jennifer Hulsizer and Matt & Jessica Petty (and Scarlett!)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What A Journey!

22 years ago last Sunday (March 4), I entered full time ministry with the Landmark Baptist Church of Jacksonville. Jessica was just about to turn 2 years old. We ministered there just over ten years and we've been with Faith Baptist Church in North Little Rock for just over 11 years.

There are days when I feel like I've been doing this all my life, while there are other days I feel like I'm still just a greenhorn. I've served as a Youth Pastor, a Minister of Music, an Associate Pastor, a Pastor of Administration, and an Interim Pastor. What happens next? Who knows? The answer is "God knows and I trust Him!"

I have been so blessed in both part-time and full-time ministry to work with and befriend some awesome pastors and staff members, congregations, youth groups, and choirs, and have made some truly lasting friendships. There is also the tremendous blessing of associated work and the friends and colleagues whose lives have intersected my own.

But the true blessing is that God has taken very good care of me; far better care than I deserve. He's seen me through ignorance, frustration, apathy, stupidity, anger, pain -- as well as joy, peace, safety and success (when I let Him lead!).

While it hasn't always been an easy journey, especially for my wife and daughters; it has been a good journey. I have learned much (usually from trial and error). This year, especially, has been a struggle, but the pendulum has already begun to swing back toward the positive.

I hope, over the next 22 years, if God wills it; that I can remember what I've learned and how good He's been to me and be more successful in leading his people, serving His church, but mostly following Him!

To my family I say, thanks for sticking with me. To the churches who have had to put up with me, thanks for playing along; as the old staying goes: Be patient, God isn't finished with me yet!

"Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus. But if Your return must wait; here's to another 22 years (and beyond!)...

(Photos from top: First trip to camp-1990; Graduation banquet at Landmark-1999; 10 year anniversary at Faith; my sweetheart and I as we are today. )

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Beginning of the End?

Fifty years ago today, (Feb. 20) John Glenn orbited the Earth three times over nearly five hours in his Mercury capsule dubbed Friendship 7. Will this be the day that Jesus returns to the earth?

This year, the Mayan calendar is getting lots of interest as it seems to indicate that 2012 may be the last year before some great apocalypse brings the end of the world. But for the Christian we realize that every day is a gift, that the Son of God could return to Earth any time to rapture this own and truly mark the beginning of the end of the age.

So the question is, if this was the last year, or month, or day of life as we know it here on earth, what difference would it make in your manner of living? Would we take more seriously the work that Jesus left for us as He ascended into heaven to make preparations for the arrival of those who would accept Him as personal Savior?

Matthew 28:19-20, that portion of Scripture we call the Great Commission instructs us to "go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world..."

Facing the potential for the end of the world, whether the end of our life, the end of some ancient calendar, or the coming of the King of Kings, how are you motivated? As for me, I take great comfort in the last part of verse 20, Jesus said, "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world". While I certainly don't know what tomorrow brings, I certainly know who brings tomorrow! "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!"