Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Hulsizer Christmas Letter 2019 
Wow! What a year! So much has happened, I don’t know if I can contain it all in a letter, but I’ll try to keep it concise.

 The year started off with a bang, a bouncing baby boy bang! Shelia and I became grandparents for the 3rd time on New Years Day. Yes, that’s right Jessica, our elder daughter, a 6 year cancer survivor, defied the odds and the doctors best guesses and gave birth to “Rhett Alan Petty” and y’all, he’s perfect, just like his sisters! We couldn’t be more proud and couldn’t love the little shaver any more than we do. We are so grateful that God showed up and showed out in the life of our little girl! 

Speaking of Rhett’s sisters, they love that little boy something fierce. They’re always rocking, playing with or singing to him. I think they suppose that he’s gonna be bigger than them someday and they are getting on his good side? Savannah will turn 4 this year, how is that even possible? And man, is she a beauty, she’s got Poppa wrapped around all her fingers! But he loves it!!! Charlotte, another beauty, will turn 3 this year. Charlotte is a bit more inclined toward the arts, she loves to sing and draw, but when she is properly motivated she can make some noise!!! Shelia and I (Poppa & Gigi) are having a blast being grandparents! So much so that we moved up to Austin, AR (just above Cabot) to be closer to them this April. 

Little Rhett was a great distraction from the period of turmoil we found ourselves in early this year. We had been made to feel that our services were no longer in tune with the direction the church where I was on staff was going. It’s hard to accept that you have become a dinosaur, and that the work you have done all your life is no longer “in vogue”. Then in April, God spoke to me in that still small voice while we were leisurely looking a houses closer to our kids, not intending to do anything about it, but we were just tired of apartment life! Shelia and I both fell in love with this house, and God said, “Buy it”. Of course, I tried to reason with Him and tell Him how it wasn’t a good time for us to buy a house with all these changes coming. He quickly reminded me that HE was above logic and reason and timing, so obey. 

So we did, we made an offer and thanks to the help of our friends, the Clemons Team (Steve & Sherrie Clemons) whom we have known for 30 years and Sherrie was my piano player that long ago. At any rate we bought the house and moved in as quick as we could. We love this house, it was an adjustment though. Bigger than the apartment but not as big as the home in which we raised our daughters, but we are getting there.

 I have not claimed sole proprietorship of all the changes. Shelia felt like she needed a part-time job but really didn’t want to give up what little down-time she has, so she became a Paparazzi $5 jewelry consultant. She is doing great, I am so proud of her! She does jewelry parties as well as hosts her own Facebook Live jewelry show 2 to 3 times a week. Look for her on Facebook at “Sparkle On With Shelia Hulsizer”, from there you can go to her webpage at which you can shop anytime (24/7). 

After trying to be trusting and obedient, I felt the Lord directing me out of occupational ministry and toward a ministry with a group of funeral homes. WHAT? Yes, I know. It seemed strange to me too, but I have always had a heart to help people through the valleys of life and this certainly fills the bill. I was a part-time apprentice funeral director for a while and then I was approached by management to see if I might consider moving over to the prearrangement department. I took some tests and interviewed and God laid everything out perfectly. I am now a Prearrangement Consultant for Smith Family Funeral Homes in North Little Rock, Sherwood, Benton, Beebe and Arkadelphia. I love it, it’s quite a challenge, but I get to work with people who have an interest in what I can provide, and something everyone will need at some point in time. 

Then I got a phone call from an old friend, Lynn Baxter, who pastored the first church I ever served full-time. We worked together for 10 years and I enjoyed all of them! At any rate, he called, hearing that I had resigned my last church, and could be considered available. He needed a music man at the church at which he had just accepted the pastorate. I told him that geographically it would be a challenge and some other excuses I could think of on the fly, but he was convinced I was the guy. So I agreed to go down and check things out. Shelia and I both fell in love with the people and the opportunity to grow in a church that had fallen on hard times. There was no choir when we got there, but Sunday, Dec. 15 we will present a Christmas program with 14 choir members, I couldn’t be more excited! As an added surprise I was asked to join a bluegrass-gospel band to play the stand-up bass. So now I’m officially a “Ramblin’ Troubadour”.

A few weeks ago, Jennifer and I took a trip to Alabama to check on my mother. She has recently moved to an assisted living facility but had gotten weak and begun to fall more often. Her doctors wanted her to spend some time in rehab getting stronger and working on her balance. That’s where we spent Thanksgiving with her. My sister needed some time to go see her son, Reece-the marine, and I was happy to get out there myself! She’s back at her new place but still a bit wobbly, please keep her in your prayers.

 Later, that same week we were so blessed to take the whole Hee-Haw gang to Branson to ride the Polar Express! We were having such a great time, the girls were SO excited, especially Savannah. Poor Charlotte wasn’t feeling very well. And before the weekend was over, Jessica, Charlotte, Savannah, Jennifer and Matt all came down with a stomach bug, It hit Shelia late that Sunday night. Then this week I’ve spent 3 days off work, I haven’t been off sick that long in a great while, but older people have less resistance and the sinus/congestion/sore throat monster has taken up residence in my head. I refuse to miss any more work, I’ve decided I’m going in tomorrow if it kills me (and it might!) .

Jennifer (Aunt Jenny) has had a good year herself. She is dating a fine young man and things seem to be going well there. We all like Nathan, he is a good Christian man with all his own teeth and a job, what could be better? Just this week she was awarded teacher of the week but her mother and I know she’s the teacher of the millennium! We are so very proud of our growing family. All the glory goes to God, for He has done great things! 

We all hope this little letter finds you all happy, healthy and whole this Christmas season. Merry Christmas to all and may God bless us every one! 

With wishes of peace and joy, 

Jeff, Shelia, Jessica, Matthew, 
Savannah, Charlotte, Rhett, 
Jennifer and Nathan 
(and Scarlett and Lucy, the wonder dogs!)