Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas for all?

I heard a quote attributed to our president, in which he said that "Christmas is a holiday for all religions." That may be a lovely sentiment but it's simply not true. A better statement would have been "Christmas is a holiday for all people." As Jesus Christ, the originator of Christmas, came to earth to provide a means of salvation for all people.
It has long been my contention that religion has done more damage to Christianity than most anything else. At any rate, I have had a bad taste in my mouth for years about those individuals who snarl their nose up at the celebration of Christmas, yet want the same benefits and privileges of those of us who believe in the truth and spirit of the holiday.
Years ago I worked for a wonderful Christian man who provided his employees with a very nice Christmas party and a Christmas bonus check. We had one employee who, for religious purposes, did not celebrate Christmas. I loved it when the boss told him that in that case he would not be receiving his "Christmas" bonus nor would he be invited to the "Christmas" party, and that he could clean up the shop on the day we closed the shop down for "Christmas". After all, America was built on religious freedom and he didn't want to cause this brother to stumble in his convictions. CLASSIC!
I have the same rumble in my gut from those who feel it is unfair to impose greeting "Merry Christmas" on the masses. They complain about the Nativity scene at the State Capital, they complain about Christmas carols being sung in public schools, and try to remove all signs of "Christ" from the "Christmas" holiday. You just can't do that! They throw their little tantrums but do they take the day off from work, do they exchange gifts, do they put up a tree, whether they do or not is immaterial. They have the right NOT to celebrate, but we have the right TO celebrate. CHRISTmas is a CHRISTian holiday, but America was founded to be a CHRISTian nation, not to the point that we impose a state religion on anyone, but in the same manner as English is our national language, HELLO!, we are a CHRISTIAN nation.
May I say with all Christian sympathy and love, "this is America, we speak English, we celebrate Christmas, we're a Christian nation. Don't like it? You are FREE to leave!"
To those of you who are wise enough to recognize that without Christ there is no Christmas, I wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

1 comment:

Hampers said...

Nice blog on Christmas. Christmas season is a magically special time when family and friends come together to celebrate. Have a wonderful Christmas.