Sunday, October 23, 2011

Trusting in the Storm

It has been a long few days in the Hulsizer family. Our oldest daughter, Jessica (age 23), the RN and newlywed, had a place swell up on the left side of her neck about 3 1/2 weeks ago. We all thought it was strange but thought it was probably an inflamed or infected lymph node. She went to our family doctor who put her on an antibiotic and told her to come back in two weeks if it hadn't taken care of it. The swelling went down just a bit but not completely so she was scheduled for a CT scan this Thursday.

On Wednesday, while at work at the hospital, she began experiencing pain in her chest and under her left arm. At 6:11 pm she called me and asked me to come get her and take her to the Emergency Room at Baptist Hospital in North Little Rock. I wondered why she wouldn't just go downstairs to the ER in the hospital at which she works, but she explained that it's best not to be a patient where you work.

At any rate, we got to the ER, her husband and her mother arrived right away and we waited 25 minutes to be seen. I was pretty agitated that it took that long even after we told them she was having chest pains. I was honestly worried it might be a heart situation.

After we finally got in (thanks to some strings being pulled by our good friend and fellow church member, cardiologist Jay Geoghagan) they quickly did an EKG which appeared normal, her heart rate, however, was fluctuating a good bit.

They did the first CT scan and assured us this was not a cardiac situation but that we might be looking at something more involved than an infection. It was determined that she would be admitted and have a biopsy on a lymph node.

After the biopsy the doctor hit us with the news. Our baby has Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. That's the bad news, the good news is that it is one of the most treatable, curable forms of the disease.

She is in stage IIB, which is the most treatable, and has a 95% cure rate (Praise God!) The oncologist said we were looking at about 6 chemo treatments, 15 days apart, followed by some radiation. We were told yesterday that it will be a pretty rough three months, but that by this time next year this will all be a bad dream.

Our friends have been awesome, we have had meals brought to us during the long days of waiting at the hospital, she's received lots of snacks and gifts, and every visit has been a precious reminder that she (and we) are loved.

We covet each of your prayers, we trust that all will be well, but we also know that prayer works. Thank you all for your love.


Deby Prince said...

OH!!! That's NOT the news you want to hear for your baby! However, I'm thankful that it looks like the best of the bad news that you could have. I know that God has already & will continue to use this in your lives (and in ours) for His glory, and I can't wait to see the outcome of that! Mike & I will be praying for Jessica, her husband, AND her parents/grandparents as you go through this ordeal. Please keep us updated. We love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Asking GOD to be with you all. We just lost a son to cancer. BUT , he lived 11 years with treatments . Stage 4 was the reading when first discovered. Pray, pray and trust. With love, a caring woman.

Anonymous said...

Praying for swift and complete recovery with minimal side effects of the treatments.
Standing by with ANY assistance you and your family needs during this trying period of your lives.

Anonymous said...
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Lonnie said...
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Lonnie said...

Jeff I Pray Healing Over Your Daughter From the tTOP of her head TO THE SOULS Of her Feet! I Pray Peace past all of Your understanding and your Family.I Pray this in the HOLY NAME OF JESUS!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS Your Family and May His will be done! God Bless and Love You GUYS!!!!!!!!

Carolyn Hickman McGinnis said...

Jeff, I will certainly be praying for your daughter and your whole family through this illness. It is very very scary to have to deal with a sick child (no matter what the age) and even though we know Who is ultimately in charge, we are still very human! Our oldest son had a malignant brain tumor and is now 10 years cancer free!! God truly is Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. He taught us all many lessons over the years we dealt with this disease, but it is so very true that He will never give you more than you can bear (although in the middle of it, you are not sure this is true!) He also provides so many of HIs people to be there at just the right times. I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this, but just know that there are many many brothers and sisters lifting you and your family up every day.
Love, Carolyn
P.S. My nephew had this same disease that your daughter has and the doctor is right--in a year, this will all be just memories--some hard, many sweet.

Lynn and Donella said...

Jeff and Sheila our heart is broken too, because we know that walk will be hard, we just came through it ourselves after 7 mo's of weekly chemo. However, God and wonderful new medical technology brought us through. We had to hold each other up, our children affects the entire family. So in saying that, we will be praying and holding all of you up before the Lord that Jessica will have rapid response and little side effects as possible. Be strong (and I know you are) and Believe and it shall come to pass that Jessica will WIN this battle!! Prayers and Love to all..

Cindy Broadway said...

Wow, I haven't been keeping up with FB much. god will bring you guys through-he did us, 20 years ago. My advice is to keep looking up. Claim The promises. Keep trusting, and the Dr is right, you will soon look back and try to remember some of the good details.

Michelle Daniel said...

Praying like a "mad woman" - for complete healing and for the Lord to use this terrible situation all for His honor and glory. Praising God this was found NOW. Asking Father for His complete healing from this disease for Jessica, and for strength for the battle for you all. The Daniel Family

Rforth said...

Prayers going up Brother. When we pray, God listens.