Tuesday, December 2, 2008

An Attitude of Gratitude

Yes, the actual season of Thanksgiving is over (and what a special blessing it was to finish out the Thanksgiving weekend by observing the ordinance of the Lord's Supper with my church family Sunday night!), but I have noticed that not everyone does a real good job of showing their gratitude.

I like to think that I am a happy guy. I enjoy laughing and cutting up and enjoying the days I've been given here on this earth. But I'm beginning to think I am in the minority. I know that as I get older my fuse becomes shorter and my attitude slips easier than it used to, but there are just some miserable people in the world!

Always finding something wrong with everything, looking like their gallbladders have backed up, and snapping at everything and everyone. Baby, we are too blessed to be stressed. I love the old hymn that reminds us, "when upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed...count your many blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done!"

If we stop for a moment and look outside ourselves, we can plainly see how blessed we are. Yes, there are potholes in the highways of our lives and sometimes it rains on our parade, but the easiest and least productive thing to do is to complain, to find fault, to get hung up in the blame game. Let's make it a point to rise above the ordinary and be happy, joy-filled people who actually enjoy the life they've been given. Go out of your way to lighten the load for someone else, make a friend, be good to someone else, it will make you feel better too!

We have bought the lie that it's all about me. Look out for number 1, but that doesn't lead to anything except an empty life and a miserable disposition. Selfishness is a killer.

Therefore, I've challenged myself to live a bigger life than the one within me and to look, think and live outside the box. I'm gonna be happy even if it ticks you off. Life is too short for whining, complaining and poor, poor me!

I'm a child of the King, an American, a member of the human race, a Baptist, a biker, a husband, and a daddy. What's better than that?

Christmas is coming people, you better get ready. The "reason for the season" might just bless your socks off just to see you squirm!!! Now get out there and play nice!

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