Thursday, July 7, 2016

Just Breathe

I sit here tonight, like last night, heart-broken, angry, sad, confused. So I listened to “Just Breathe” by Jonny Diaz, again. It’s my go-to song right now and I’m trying to take the advice given in the song. I think it’s good advice. We are all sinners, some saved - some lost. Jesus is the difference. Jesus is the example. 

Jesus didn’t apologize, He didn’t need to, He never sinned. People didn’t understand Him. He didn’t do what they did, He didn’t react like they did, like we do. That’s the example. 

I’ve apologized…alot, but not enough. I’m an emotional creature - I get mad, I get hurt, I react. I say things, I do things I shouldn’t. I’ve hurt people with my reactions, my words, my actions. I fear God, I know (after I calm down and remember) there are consequences to my actions. 

Einstein was right (sort of), for every action there is a reaction, but he was speaking of the physical world in which we live. God is above that world. We, as God’s people are above that world as well. Yes, we live in it but that doesn’t give us the right to react, even equally or in an opposite manner, unless that reaction is the right one…the godly one.

Vengeance is mine says the Lord. Love your enemies. Turn the other cheek. Forgive. Walk the second mile. These are God’s words, God’s commands. We, God’s people, must obey. Love is the answer and God is love.

I know Satan is celebrating another victory tonight and that makes me angry. But what do we expect from a sinful world? The only thing that makes any sense is love. Love one another. Yes, there are differences in people, ok—so what? We need to be broken-hearted over sin, I’m the son of a welder and I know that when something is welded together (or back together) the weld is the strongest part. I’m asking God to mend my broken heart and to give me wisdom, and strength and self-control.  I must have more love, more faith, more grace. We, God’s people, are God’s ambassadors in this world. That’s why we’re here. Not to fight for our rights, not to look out for ourselves, not to protect what is ours. Nothing is ours, everything is His. We need to empty ourselves of ourselves and give the empty place to Christ. God isn’t pushy, He only occupies what is offered. 

So friend, whether you are black or white, man or woman, or any other means of classification, the only important thing about us is that we are a creation of a Holy God. Let the things that divide us go, give them up, turn it all over to Him, then follow. Be a conduit of love, of grace, of mercy, of peace. Stop reacting, just breathe…breathe a prayer, then listen for an answer…and then be obedient. It’s our only hope. He’s our only hope. God…help us! No more words, action…not reaction. Reconciliation, intentionality…they are just words, until they’re not just words.


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