Friday, August 12, 2016


My what an interesting couple of weeks! The challenges fade in the face of the blessings (if you’re patient and wait to see what can happen!)

Last Friday (July 29) I left the house to head to Bogg Springs for Kidz Kamp Staffer Training Weekend. It was a great weekend complete with a couple of cooler mornings Saturday and Sunday. Both sessions of Kidz Kamp were awesome as well with over 60 souls coming to know Jesus (including precious Leasie Baxter!) 

I had the honor to sing at Bro. Carl Wright’s funeral service on Wednesday morning, August 3, so I came home Tuesday night. Who knew that would be the last time I would sleep in my own bed until last night (Thursday night, August 11)! Our A/C at the house had been acting up and laid down completely on Wednesday (as I was making it back to the Bogg!). My poor wife had to deal with the service call declaring the compressor “beyond repair” and the long wait for the new part to be be shipped. She moved in with our daughter and son-in-law in Ward and upon the completion of camp (Saturday, Aug. 6), I moved in with our youngest daughter in Benton (with super dog Lucy in tow). I saw my wife at church Sunday, and not again until last night when I finally got to move home! I so appreciate our kids putting up their parents during the time the a/c was broken.

During the adventure our youngest daughter faced the daunting task of turning her classroom (complete with a ceiling link right in the center the room) into a classroom fit for new first grade students, no small task. She stayed busy, and kept me busy, every spare moment between Saturday’s return to the Open House last night. Let me interject how grateful we are to Mrs. Jana Brumbelow for all her help on Thursday (and beyond!).

I finally got home about 9:30 last night and literally fell into the bed in a nice cool house. I woke up this morning and took Miss Lucy outside and listened to the beautiful sound of an air conditioning unit starting and running smoothly, what an awesome sound! I’ve got lots to do, finally unpacking from camp and getting the lawn mowed. We’ve got to keep the house in tip-top shape as it is for sale and a prospective buyer could schedule an appointment to see the house at any time!

While we are anxious to finally get moved to Benton to live in the same city as the church in which we serve, I’m trying not to be impatient with the process! I have been heard to say, “God is teaching me patience, but I wish He'd hurry!”

As John Denver used to sing, “Hey it’s good to be back home again”! Amen to that! But I’d sure love to sell you this house I love (as well as a fine motorcycle!) Life is never boring around the Hulsizer family!

Jeff Hulsizer, comfortably air-conditioned!

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