Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

As much as I love Christmas (the celebration of “God with us”), and as much as I love Easter (the celebration that “He Is Risen”). I think my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Certainly I have so much for which to be thankful. I can remember the Thanksgiving days of the past when my family would gather around the table and share stories. My grandfather was a master storyteller, only eternity will tell if his tales were actual history or the spinning of a mighty yarn. We would laugh and compare the most recent version of the story to last year’s version. We would talk about the various dishes. (I always thought it was strange that we had a dish of pearl onions every year but I don't think I ever saw anybody eat them!). But they were always wonderful times.

Some Thanksgiving Days are more memorable than others. Just a few years ago, 6 of us spent Thanksgiving in a hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. The meal was not memorable, there was no table around which to gather. But we huddled in that little room full of hope that this plan of action would cure our daughter's cancer. Praise God it did! She’s been cancer free for over 4 years and we give all the glory to God and the way He used the Lied Transplant Center. We were prayed for and loved and the friendship we had with Bro. Danny Fudge and his family became one of the greatest blessings of our life. For all this we are thankful.

This year, Thanksgiving will be a little different. But I have no doubt it will be “unforgettable”. We will “taste and see” that the Lord is good!

Make memories with your family all year, but especially at Thanksgiving. Thank God for what He has seen you through, blessed you with, taught you. Encourage one another. Look for ways to share with others. We are so blessed.

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