Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Be lovers of truth

You guys are suckers for punishment. Since I received the feedback from yesterday's post I thought I would just hit it again! However, I did delete yesterdays in the interest of saving space on the server. This may become a regular rant, a daily devotion, a recurring nightmare if you will. Maybe we'll call it, "Chaplain Chatter", or "Ministerial Musings", heck...maybe we'll call it, "Out in the Pasture!" anyway...here's the thought for today.

Yesterday, I walked across the street from the auto service center to drown my sorrows in an overpriced cup of coffee. While in there looking at the motorcycles for sale column of the local paper (no I'm not in the market..but!) I couldn't help but overhear a group of retired ladies discussing politics. What a hoot...until! They started ranting about someone who had the nerve to disagree with them in the supermarket line and how one of them gave the ole' sap a piece of her mind (it didn't appear to me she could spare it!), anyway. She then went on a tirade about Obama not saying the pledge of allegiance and taking the oath of office on the koran (note the lower case k) and other fodder from internet spam. While I am certainly not a proponent of Obama's (at this point I ain't voting for anyone...just against!) I wondered just how much truth there is in the world. Snopes.com is famous for straightening out the untruths and the rumors about a myriad of subjects, including Obama that seem to be just that...again, not a recommendation, just an observation. (More later if you are interested).

But hearing this drivel made me appreciate TRUTH. Jesus said, "I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life...no one comes to the Father except through me". I can hang my hat on that. Jesus is the litmus test for religion...what do you believe about Jesus? Do you believe who He says He is, and do you put stock in what He says? Anyway, the Bible also says, "You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free". May we all be seekers of truth, and not swayed by lies and manipulation. May we never be ones who speak with forked tongues. Have a great day my friends. I love you...and that's the truth!

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