Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I got a very nice message from a friend in regards to my little musings. They were complimentary, even a little shocked that they enjoyed my company, what with me being a preacher and all.

It seems to me that there are many out there (I’ve talked to many myself) who are a bit disenfranchised with organized religion and those who propagate it.

Let me go on record and state my belief that religion has done more damage to Christianity that anything else.


Relax, I am not engaged in blasphemy.Jesus himself was an enemy of religion. Which is simply the habit or method of doing something in a regular or orchestrated manner.

Folks, Christianity is about relationship not religion!!!

I’m sure we could all come up with examples of what is wrong with churches, preachers, etc. and could name off more than a bushel full of hypocrites. I could probably name a pretty good many myself!

But that doesn’t release us from the desire of Christ that we "forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is..." )Hebrews 10:25.

The reason there isn’t a perfect church to be found is because there are no perfect members to make it up. The reason there are no perfect preachers is because God doesn’t call preachers, He calls men to preach. That’s all a preacher is...a regular guy God has handpicked to do a particular work...albeit with His help and guidance.

So,dear friends, don’t be content to lay out of church just because some redneck, moss-backed, hard-headed preacher hurt your feelings, or because some closed-minded, gossip-ridden bunch of hypocrites didn’t welcome you into their little tea party.

Keep looking for a church you can be a part of. The church I attend is not perfect (that’s why I can still go!) but it is an awesome bunch of folk.

We were created to need the fellowship of others. (hey, that’s part of why we all love the PGR so much...it’s an assembly of like minded folks, on a mission, who enjoy each other’s company).

The PGR is not a substitute for church and God wants us all to attend or He wouldn’t have invented it and gave Himself for it (the church). So, cast your dispersions aside and give church another shot...you’ll be glad you did.

And while you’re at it, give preachers a chance too. You might actually find one you like!

Have a great day, and remember you are loved!

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