Saturday, March 8, 2008

Blank Screen

As I sit here this morning, looking out at a blanket of snow (in March!). I wanted to write something, but my mind is like that blanket of snow. "Go with it" I thought. So I just let my mind go and let the Lord direct my thoughts...hopefully.

The first 2 things that came to my mind are the cross and the Shellhammer house. Strange combination at first, but then it came to me. The Shellhammer project, amidst its complications, is an honorable thing. Those who can, doing something for those who can't. This soldier needed his home fixed up for he and his wife to have a place to live. His situation prohibited that, so others have stepped in.

What does that have to do with the cross? Lots. You see, thanks to great-grandpappy Adam, we all (and yes I mean all) carry a sin nature. Romans 3:23 tells us that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.". If we are all in the same boat then why is that a problem? Well, because Romans 6:23 says, "...the wages of sin is death". The definition of death in that verse is eternal separation from God for all eternity, or to break it down...hell. However, the rest of that verse says, "BUT, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

That's the good news. We are doomed because of sin, but God made a way to fix it. His only son Jesus, came to earth as a baby, born of a virgin, in a miraculous way so as not to carry the sin nature, and lived on earth as a man for 33 years, yet without sin.

On a fateful day, over 2000 years ago. Jesus was tried in a kangaroo court and executed for stirring up organized religion. But He did far more than that, my friends. When Jesus died on the cross, He carried all the sins of mankind with Him. All of our sin was placed upon His back and He paid the sin debt for all of us.

You see, we couldn't do if for ourselves, but He could...and He did.

Now, how much sense would it make for Chris Shellmaker not to move into his house when it is finally completed? Well, none at all! Look at all the work, the man hours, the expense. And why wouldn't he move in, it's perfect for him! All true, and how bad would it upset those who have given so much of their time, money and sweat to make this house so nice?

Now you know a little bit about how God must feel. The work was all done at the cross. The sin debt for all humanity was paid. All we have to do is receive this free gift. In the same way Chris just needs to reach out at take the keys, all we must do is realize we are lost and only Christ can save us. Repent of your sins, ask Him to forgive you, then ask Him to save you and move into your heart. If you place all your trust into Him, He will never let you down and your eternity will be secured forever. Don't let the price paid for your soul be paid in vain.

Yes, I know I may be crossing the line to be preachy, but I love you all and simply want to share eternity with you. I know where I'm going and why. How about you? Questions? call or email. I'd love to visit with you about this.

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