Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fickle, Fickle

March is truly a time of madness. I have rooted for basketball teams that I don't even like, but since they are playing a team I need them to beat, they become elevated in my estimations.

We are, by nature, a pretty fickle bunch, especially in regards to God. When things are good we either think we got a lucky break, or did something good, when in fact God has "graced" us. His word says in James 1:17, "Every good and perfect gift comes from above" which basically means to me, that everything good in this life is something God chose to give us.

Now on the other hand when things go bad, we are quick to accuse God of forgetting us, or worse, to accuse Him of condemning us or sending bad things our way. One simply need walk through the cancer ward at Children's hospital or walk through the halls of our local Veterans Hospital to see evidence that things don't appear to be fair and we seek to understand how a loving God could let bad things happen to good people.

There are lots of answers to this question but none that really satisfy our human understanding. The best I could hope to do is to remind us that God is in control and only He sees the big picture, the world that awaits us with Him in heaven is incomparable to the very best days we see here. So suffice it to say, God has a plan.

But remember this my dear friends, God loves you. If He carried a wallet, your picture would be in it. He thinks of you every moment of every day and He wants only for you to be happy. He longs for the day you can be together so that He can bless you like you've never been blessed before. You are God's favorite! But you know what? So am I. God is vast enough to root for everybody and never have a fickle moment!

Ain't God good? How long has it been since you talked to Him?

See ya'll

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